problem with sunny 7010dci 12.01.a5

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  • mohammadreza
    Junior Member
    • 20-04-2004
    • 17

    problem with sunny 7010dci 12.01.a5

    sory if i write this post in unsuitable place
    i have sunny 7010 dci 12.01.a5
    i update it with AT from

    after update i cannot unlock channel from:
    meno---->system setting---->channel lock means:
    i canot chose channel unlock
    then i do this:
    1-i hange my loader to 6.1.9 then reset factory but i still couldenot open or chose unlock channel
    2-i change my loader to 2.1.9 and fix it with BL219v4 then i could open unlock channel but on some channel for example france 2,3 i have freeze picture
    what did i do to slove this problem
    is there a emulatoe for sunny 7010dci can open tps and srg both auto
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