Newcamd 5.25

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  • 12HASAN12
    Junior Member
    • 06-08-2004
    • 6


    Newcamd 5.25

    ustalar sf imaj kullanıyorum newcamd 5.25 yüklemek istyorum nasıl yüklerim yardım edermisiniz
  • Netman
    Junior Member
    • 12-03-2004
    • 68

    Konu: Newcamd 5.25

    Sevgili arkadasim cevirmeye firsatim olmadi. Asagida adim adim anlatilmakta

    First of all, here’s all the needed tools:
    - Crimson Editor, a well made Linux-Unix editor usable from Windows, you can download it from its homepage, it is freeware:
    - A FTP program for Windows,, LeapFTP is the best for me.
    You can find it on
    - The necessary tools for unpacking and repacking cramfs images on the dreambox, uncramfs, mkcramfs and mksquashfs, included the two scripts that make easy the call to these executables from command line: undreamboxfs and mkdreamboxfs (this last one was modified by me and included as “mkdb”, I will explain later why this script needed to be modified).
    - The original archive of the emulator Newcamd Cardserver 5.05: “”
    - The original firmware 1.07.4 by DreamMultimedia, rel107_4.img
    - A hard disk or an Usb Stick mounted into dreambox (hard disk is faster and better to use).

    IMPORTANT-Where to find all necessay files?:
    To make easy the search for files, I inserted the original Newcamd 5.05 archive, plus all the needed scripts and commands, plus the necessary lib for the new image, plus this document in Adobe Acrobat format, in other words all necessary files (only excluded LeapFTP, Crimson Editor, and rel107_4.img) are presento into the attached archive
    You'll find it at the end of this online doc.

    Let’s begin our work, first by creating an image development environment into dreambox:
    - Open a Telnet session from Windows:
    Click on “start” button and select “Execute”
    Into the text box write telnet <> (in example: “telnet”)
    When the command prompt window opens, input username and password, normally the default root and dreambox.
    - Once logged in, type cd hdd [enter] if you have the hard disk mounted into your dreambox, or cd /mnt/usb [enter] if you have only the usb stick (note: using hard disk is far better).
    From now, I will no more write the text [enter], the “enter” key on the keyboard has as ever to be pressed after evrery command line written in bold characters.
    - Create a temporary directory for working: mkdir temp , and enter into it with cd temp
    - Copy with your FTP program all the necessary tools into this temp directory (you will find all these tools, listed above, into the “cramfs tools” directory presento into this how-to…doc archive):
    uncramfs, mksquashfs, mkcramfs, undreamboxfs, mkdb
    After the transfer, go to Telnet window and give the permission to run to all of these copied files, you can enter a single command line for all: chmod 755 *
    All files are now executables.
    - Then do the transfer of the original rel107_4.img image on which we will work into this same temp directory. As ever, use your FTP program to do it..

    Unpacking the original image into a folder:
    - From Telnet window, type the command line ./undreamboxfs rel107_4.img newimg
    This statement, will execute the tool uncramfs called by the script undreamboxfs, and it will uncramfs (expand) the original image into a directory called “newimg”, by creating it into our temp working folder.
    - Go back to FTP program, give a refresh of the window, and enter into the new unpacked image’s directory “newimg”
    Preparing original image for installing Newcamd:
    - The folder that we will use for modifying the image is the var_init folder.
    - From Telnet, enter into this directory with: cd newimg/var_init
    You’ll see that some directories are already present into var_init, but we need to create some more, then let’s go on….
    - Now create the missing directories that we will use for Newcamd installing:
    mkdir bin
    mkdir lib
    mkdir keys
    mkdir scce
    - Go to the FTP program, enter into lib directory (the one present into var_init), and copy into it the file , a library functions file that is needed by Newcamd to run (and needed also by many other dreambox emus).
    You will find this library into the “lib” directory of this downloaded how-to….doc archive.
    - Now unzip the included original “” archive into a folder on your Windows desktop.
    - Let’s now begin to copy all the needed Newcamd executable files, from the unpacked Windows folder to the dreambox.
    > Important: remember that the working directory into dreambox is the “var_init” directory. Be sure to have it selected and open in the transfer window of your FTP program.
    - Copy the following files from the Newcamd archive main directory to the dreambox, into the folder scce:
    The files to be copied are: ecmoverride, keylist, mappings, ppua, priority, rsakeylist, tpscrypt
    Copy also all the files present into “nagrafiles” directory of Newcamd archive again into the folder scce on dreambox.
    - Let’s talk now of bin folder: into this folder we will insert all the emulator’s executables.. As you can notice by looking into Newcamd archive, this emulator has been made for running on various systems and different CPUs, so the first thing to do is to find out which files are to be used, then rename them and then copy them into dreambox.
    The right files to use with dreambox are the PowerPC executables, as the dreambox is provided with this CPU.
    Let’s begin to rename and copy:
    1) rename the file newcamd.ppc to newcamd (remove the extension .ppc), and then copy it into bin folder on dreambox.
    2) from directory “camdcmd”: rename camdcmd.ppc to camdcmd and copy it into bin
    3) from directory “cardserver”: rename betad.dream to betad; then rename cardserver.dream to cardserver; and then rename dcd.dream to dcd, and finally copy all of them into bin
    4) from directory “cardspider”: rename cardspider.ppc to cardspider and copy it into bin
    5) from directory “radegast”: rename radegast.ppc to radegast and copy it into bin
    At last, from Telnet, go into the directory bin (cd bin) and type the command chmod 755 * for giving permission to run to all these files just copied.

    Configuring the files newcamd.conf and cardserv.cfg
    - Now we have to configure the emulator’s configuration files, that after will be copied into the tuxbox/config directory (always inside into thevar_init folder).
    But first we have to write and/or change some lines into them, using Crimson Editor.
    Let’s begin with newcamd.conf that you’ll find into the main archive directory of Newcamd.
    Modify the following entries in the file (the other unlisted entries must be leaved unchanged).
    Change their default values to the values shown below:

    DEMUX_API = 2
    BOX_TYPE = DM7000
    DISABLE_CAM = yes
    OSD = none
    This last entry (OSD), should be set to “none” if you don’t want to see the popup message every time you change channel.
    The other values must be set as listed above for the use of Newcamd on Dreambox DM7000.
    Instead, the **** two lines are to be ADDED later in the conf file, near to the end of the file, in the section where you will read “Cardserver list” (these are the parameters needed by newcamd for connecting to the card reader’s server, for properly reading smart card’s data):

    CWS = dreambox 10000 root dreambox 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 net cardserver
    CWS = dreambox 10001 root dreambox 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 net cardserver
    At this point, you are done with newcamd.conf, save it and copy it into the folder tuxbox/config (always remember: we are always working into the same parent directory var_init).
    Now configure the cardserv.cfg (find it into “cardserver” folder of the Newcamd archive), do the following modifies:
    Leave unchanged all the top part of the file, go to the bottom of it until you see these three text lines:
    # Example
    Now DELETE all the rest of the file, from these lines to the end.
    Then add the following lines to the end of the file, by copying and pasting from here, already edited by me.
    By doing this, we will set in cardserv.cfg the same connecting parameters we already input on newcamd.conf.
    These parameters allow the emulator to connect to the cardserver, to share the data read from the card and necessary for descrambling the watched channel.
    As you can read, both of the card readers are enabled on dreambox, and all EMM are unblocked, as the relative entries EMM are all set to “yes”.
    You can do a copy&paste from here to the file cardserv.cfg , putting these lines were was the delete ones.

    DESKEY = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
    SERVER_NAME = cardserver
    DEBUG_PORT = 14000
    ADMIN_PORT = 14001
    ADMIN_PASSWORD = secret 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    USER = root dreambox net dreambox 12000
    # upper card slot
    TCP_PORT = 10000
    EMM-G = yes
    EMM-S = yes
    EMM-U = yes
    # lower card slot
    TCP_PORT = 10001
    EMM-G = yes
    EMM-S = yes
    EMM-U = yes
    Done! Save now this file and FTP it to dreambox into the same folder of the other config file:

    Let’s now modify the startup file of the firmware for starting the new emu at boot
    Now we have all files inserted and configured, so we must tell to the image to start Newcamd 5.05 automatically at boot.
    The file we need to modify is the famous rcS, this file is found into /etc/init.d/ folder, on image’s main directory (not in “var_init”, but in root).
    Open it with Crimson, and go to the end of the file where you can see the loop that launches and checks Enigma.
    The first list shown below is the original 107.4 loop, that runs the only emu actually present on an original image: the “dccamd” emu.
    This emu is coded by DreamMultimedia, and allows to decode the well-known hardcore channel, owned by DMM itself, by using their original DreamCrypt smart cards.

    touch /tmp/.enigma
    while [ -e /tmp/.enigma ]
    echo "enigma returned with "$ret
    case $ret in
    echo "Shutdown"
    rm /tmp/.enigma
    echo "Restart"
    echo "Reboot Flash"
    killall -9 dccamd
    rm /tmp/.enigma
    umount /var
    umount /hdd
    sleep 2
    echo "Reboot"
    rm /tmp/.enigma
    killall -9 dccamd
    exit 0
    Here’s instead the modified one, for starting Newcamd 5.05 automatically at boot.
    As you can see, the “dccamd” emu disappeared, and now are present the calls first for “cardserver”, that initializes the dreambox’s smart card readers and opens the server for communication, and then the call to “newcamd” which is the real emu, that installs in memory as a client of cardserver.
    Delete the old loop (all the above lines), and substitute them with the new loop listed below:

    touch /tmp/.enigma
    while [ -e /tmp/.enigma ]
    rm -rf /var/tmp/camd.socket
    echo "enigma returned with "$ret
    case $ret in
    echo "Shutdown"
    killall -9 newcamd
    killall -9 cardserver
    rm /tmp/.enigma
    echo "Restart"
    echo "Reboot Flash"
    killall -9 newcamd
    killall -9 cardserver
    rm /tmp/.enigma
    umount /var
    umount /hdd
    sleep 2
    echo "Reboot"
    killall -9 newcamd
    killall -9 cardserver
    rm /tmp/.enigma
    killall -9 newcamd
    killall -9 cardserver
    exit 0
    When done, save it as ever and copy it overwriting the old one in /etc/init.d/rcS
    IMPORTANT: be sure that this file has permissions to run (755).
    If not, the dreambox will hang at boot with black screen and empty display on its panel.

    Last step: rebuild the final image!
    Awesome! We are now ready to rebuild the cramfs image and install it in multiboot on usb stick or hard disk.
    This is the last step for creating the cramfs archive with the image, as ever with the standard extension *.img
    Go to Telnet window, and go back to thefirst created temp directory where we have the tools for rebuilding the image (mkcramfs, mksquashfs, mkdb).
    It’s very easy, simply enter the command line:
    ./mkdb newimg 107_4+newcamd.img
    This will rebuild the image with the name “107_4+newcamd.img” , of course you can change that name with your preferred one.
    I said at the beginning of this document that a modify was needed for mkdreamboxfs script.
    This because the standard script does not allow to generate an image that is bigger than standard cramfs partition, in other words you cannot build an image for multiboot install with the standard unmodified mkdreamboxfs script.
    So I modified some lines into the script, and saved and included it into the tools directory with the name mkdb.
    Use it as described above to generate this 107_4 plus Newcamd image.
    At the end of the rebuild (this will take up to 2-3 minutes) you will find the new creaed image into the temp folder, copy it to your windows desktop, and……
    All to do is to open FlashWizard and install your image in multiboot on usb stick or hard disk…..
    Have fun!!


    • ozkandonmez

      • 30-12-2002
      • 47199

      Konu: Newcamd 5.25

      SCRATCH (DOC).zip

      bu dosyanın linki yokmu
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      • Netman
        Junior Member
        • 12-03-2004
        • 68

        Konu: Newcamd 5.25

        malesef hocam baktim ama bende bulamadim


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