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"Siyasetin kanı:servet,
hayatı : satvettir; Zebun-kuş Avrupa bir hak tanır ki: kuvvettir. Donanma, ordu yürürken muzafferen ileri, Üzengi öpmeğe hasretti Garb'în elçileri! O ihtişamı elinden niçin bıraktın da,
Bugün yatıp duruyorsun ayaklar altında?
<Kadermiş!> Öyle mi? Haşa,
bu söz değil doğru:
Belanı istedin,
Allah da verdi...
Doğrusu bu." M.Akif Ersoy
Avrupalı ve A.B.D li dostlar tarihte ne yapmış?bilelim de....Ona göre yani....blush blush blush
KAFA DERİSİ YÜZME: (ANA BRİTTANICA CİLT:17 SF:362) Kafa derisi yüzme, Amerikan yerlilerinin tümünde gözükmediği gibi, beyazların Kuzey Amerika’ya gelmelerinden önce böyle bir uygulamanın olmadığını söyleyen araştırmacılar da vardır... Bu adet, ABD’nin doğusu ile aşağı St Lawrence yöresini ve Güney Amerika’daki Gran Chaco’yu kapsayan sınırlı bir alanda gelişti. Fransız, İNGİLİZ,FELEMENK ve İSPANYOL kolonicilerin DÜŞMANLARININ KAFA DERİLERİ KARŞILIÐINDA BÜYÜK ÖDÜLLER KOYMALARININ ARDINDAN Kuzey Amerika’NIN ORTA VE BATI KESİMLERİNE YAYILDI... pek çok amerikalı sınır muhafızı ve asker de kafa derisi avcılığına girişti!
Ömer Muhtar : (1862 BİNGAZİ-16 EYLÜL 1931 SULUK, LİBYA) 1922’de İtalya’da iktidarı ele geçiren Faşistlerin Libya’yı sömürgeleştirme politikasına karşı direniş başlattı. Eylül 1931’de İtalyanlara tutsak düştü ve onlar tarafından asılarak katledildi... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1533: İspanyol istilacılar (Fransisca Pizzaro) İnka imparatoru Atahualpa’yı idam yoluyla katlettiler...İNKA uygarlığını yerle bir edip,altın ve gümüşlerini yağmalayarak Avrupa’ya kaçırdılar... 1830:FRANSIZLAR CEZAYİR’DE... 1881: FRANSIZLAR TUNUS’TA... 1911:İTALYAN ordusu LİBYA’DA... 1962:AMERİKAN Deniz Piyadeleri LAOS’TA... 1965: AMERİKAN Deniz Piyadeleri VİETNAM’DA... 1980:Sovyet Askerleri AFGANİSTAN’DA... 1864: 150 kişilik CHEYENNE ve ARRAPAHO kızılderilisi kadın, erkek,çocuk demeden AMERİKAN askerleri tarafından katledildi...Tarihe CAND CREEK KATLİAMI olarak geçmiştir.... 1886:AMERİKAN KONGRESİ KIZILDERİLİLER’İN MİLYONLARCA HEKTAR TOPRAÐINI ELLERİNDEN ALAN “MÜLKİYET YASASI’NI” ÇIKARDI...! 1890:WOUNDED KNEE’DE KIZILDERİLİ ŞEFİ BÜYÜK AYAK VE 350 ADAMI AMERİKAN YEDİNCİ SÜVARİ BÖLÜÐÜ TARAFINDAN KATLEDİLDİ!!! Bunlar,AVRUPA ve AMERİKAN sömürgeciliğinin, katliamlarının SADECE ve SADECE birkaç Kilometre taşı!!!! tamamını okumaya ömür yetmez.... Son Not: Böyle dostları olan bir ülkenin düşmana ihtiyacı yoktur.... ( bu da ata sözü değil,olsa olsa torun sözüdür...): )
selamlar ve saygılar...
düzen açısından özür notu:Büyük harfler bağırma manasında olmayıp, durumu vurgulama zorunluluğundan kullanılmıştır...
ozi ----- 6 gün sonra resmen askerim keşke ATATÜRK gibi komutanım olabilseydi.....
şimdiden hayırlı teskereler dostum.....
merak etme onun benzeri yoksa da (Atatürk'ün eşi yok Dünya'da; Tarih'te savaş kaybetmemiş tek komutandır o......)
Bütün askerlerimiz, subaylarımız kahraman vatan evladıdır....
Wednesday, September 03 2003 @ 12:01 AM Central Daylight Time
The magazine made a list of 80 important events because of its 80th foundation anniversary. Time also placed its issue in 1923 with Ataturk cover in its story
NEW YORK (AA) - Time magazine listed Turkey's choosing westernization under Ataturk's leadership as one of the 80 events that have changed the world.
The magazine made a list of 80 important events because of its 80th foundation anniversary. Time also placed its issue in 1923 with Ataturk cover in its story
The researcher Orhan Kologlu has gathered the following published statements about Atatürk:
- This famous man, who has few peers, has attained a position in history reserved for the very few ( Iranian Speaker of Parliament Isfandiyari, at a session of Parliament).
- Together with Gladstone we can say the following. " Since the death of this rare individual the world is a less interesting place (Kojuhof in the newspaper Bulgar Slove).
- To his nation he devoted a zeal for reform (Camille Huysmans, Speaker of the Belgian Parliament, at a session of Parliament). - He was a great soldier, a genius as a statesman, and a historical personage(Hitler in a message to Inönü).
- His inspiring successes have placed him in the galaxy of the immortals whom future generations will look upon with awe (Punjab President Sir Sikander Hayat Hun).
- His achievements, wrought with intelligence and success, will leave their mark on the history of peoples (French President Albert Labrun in a message to A.Renda). - Atatürk won independence for his nation, and for himself the respect of the whole world(USA President F.D.Roosevelt).
- He was a very great man, a political genius (Former French Ambassador to Ankara Kammerer, in the newspaper Excelsior).
- An astonishing, appealing individual, great as a soldier but even greater as a statesman (The Japan Times, Tokyo).
- The greatest leader to come out of Asia Minor for centuries (The Japan chronicle, Kobe).
- Every country erects statues to those who have guided it to victory in war and prosperity in peace. But Turkey will have to drill mountains to find stone for its statue of Atatürk. For here was a man who aroused the admiration of friend and foe alike, a genius whose loss is felt not only by Turkey but by civilization and the entire world (Katimerini, Athens).
- One of the rare geniuses the world has produced, who changed the course of history (An Nahar, Beirut).
- Europe has lost one of the few constructive statesmen to emerge since the war (The Spectator, England).
- He was one of the leading statesmen of the postwar era, in a class by himself and unique in almost every way (The Fortnight, London).
- A giant has toppled (Berlingske Tidende, Copenhagen).
- One of the most interesting individuals in history has departed from the world stage (the Chicago Tribune).
- One of the most able leaders of the post-war era (The New York Times). - A human miracle (L'Orient, Beirut). - He was the victor of Lausanne; the first victory in two centuries to be won by old Asia against Europe (The New York Times).
- He was passionate about civilization (Neue Zürcher Zeitung).
- A man of great ideas, the architect of a state (Neue Frei Press, Vienna).
- Among the greatest individuals the world has known (Star of India, Delhi).
- No other name in our time has aroused the respect felt for Atatürk (The Observer, London).
- The world is poorer for having lost this great man, his hero of war and peace (Pesterloyd, Budapest). - In this one man there wasmilitary genius,alongside genius in the spheres of statesmanship and philosophy (Vanguardia, Barcelona).
- He was the man who created the most splendid event of the twentieth century (National Tidende, Denmark). - No other statesman has done so much for his country in such a short time (Libre Belgique, Brussels). - A man who transcended centuries (Brive Zeme, Latvia). - He was not only the head of a heroic nation; at the same time he was the greatest inspiration to humanity (Iran, Teheran).
In a far clearer fashion, the Greek historian A.V. Daskalavi noted the formation of a team to enact the reforms, and how these created a new type of person: "(Atatürk was researching the roots and origins of the Turks) Let the Turks not be over-affected by what foreign historians have to say by way of praise or censure concerning their roots, for Kemal Atatürk has given them nobility to be envied by all the world's nations. Future generations of Turks will be able to point with pride at their ancestors, thanks to him."
Such encomiums for a new nation and state derived from the belief that it was firmly established. In general the view of the world was that the developments in Turkey could never be reversed. This belief is aptly summarized in the following statement by the Danish newspaper B. Tridende:
"He has left behind a Turkey equipped morally and physically to follow in this path."
There were those who approached the question from the standpoint of certain features of the East:
"Usually when a great man dies in the East he leaves behind a great chasm which permits every sort of intrigue, and where the only thing we can say with certainity is that there is no political continuity. But Turkey arouses no such doubts: Atatürk's creation will continue to exist, for it is a work created by Turkey. The Gazi both formulated the nation's will, and made it sacred... Today's Turkey is sound. Certain disappointment awaits those who would gamble that the country's policies will turn around or be abolished" (Kenneth Williams). Count Sforza points out what Atatürk gained for the peoples of the East. "Atatürk is an unexampled phenomenon in the history of the East, the first dictator to accomplish fundamental change peacefully, and to die amid heartfelt mourning as one of the people at the summit of fame and power. Compared with a Cromwell, a Washington, a Bonaparte or a Covour, his political life seems very short and without adventure...On my visits to Asia I saw the respect in which the new Turkey is held... It was all the work of Kemal, and for once in the Old World people were more curious about the reformer than the victorious warrior.
One very important thing distinguishes Atatürk from other post-war dictators, and points up the radical difference. Turks are grateful to Kemal for having preserved democracy despite all external reforms... The most mature of the Turks feel, with sure instinct common to the East, that Atatürk forever removed the possibility of another dictatorship. The last time I spoke with him he said, "My dictatorship has only one aim: to make any sort of new dictatorship impossible in Turkey."