Goldmaster larda tpsler çöktümü
Goldmaster larda tpsler çöktümü
Konu: Goldmaster larda tpsler çöktümü
Arkadaşım Forumu aramadan başlık açmasaydın keşke. Sadece Goldmaster larda çökmedi. Şu anda TPS leri emu ile açabilen hiçbir cihaz yoktur. Yani şimdilik Emu ile izlenemiyor. Buna bütün markalar dahildir. İyi forumlar.
Konu: Goldmaster larda tpsler çöktümü
şuan bir çok cihazda çözmüyor.çalışmalar devam ediyor.birazdaha beklemek gerekiyor.mesela bir örnek:
tps crypt3 is hacked now
28/12/2006 04:26: 00
- 1st key for the preSE
- 2nd key for tpscrypte
- 3rd key for the postSE like 3 flags
- 1st for the preSE in algo RC6 (flag=2) or algo AES (flag=1)
- 2nd for tpscrytpe always in algo AES (flag=1)
- 3rd for the postSE in algo RC6 (flag=2) or algo AES (flag=1)
if a flag is to 0 it does not have encryption of this type and 1 flag of authorization of désencryption for the 3 types:
- bit 2 = 1 authorizes désencryption tpscrypte
- bit 3 = 1 authorizes pre-désencryption
- bit 4 = 1 authorizes post-désencryption
generally this flag has 0x1C (3 authorized)
thus when the demonstration recoit an original ecm is needed that this ecm forwards by the preSE, TPScrypte, via2.3 (managed by the
usual charts), the postSE however it is there that tps has crafty one well indeed it is ecm itself which contains them types of
désencryption to be made an original ecm resembles:
80 7m nn 00 D2 01 01 40 03 00
08 DF ww gh ij kl ..... with:
7m= 71 if odd screen 70 if even screen
nn= length of the ecm
D2 01 01 identifies tpscrypte (with suprimer)
40 03 trick tps (to be transformed into 90 03)
08 identifier provider and key in progress DF the nano DF:
- ww length of the nano DF
- gh used for “knowing” if a désencryption tpscrypte should be made
(but if there were D20101 then in any event tpscrypte)
- ij used for “knowing” if a désencryption preSE should be made
- kl used for “knowing” if a désencryption postSE should be made
(the operation for “knowing” is small a algorythme)
Thus times one can have the 3 types, or 2, or 1 and cavity the keys are used into same to treat a ecm so much Algos RC6 and AES
générent starting from the key a table of hash by which the ecm is xorée For the moment everyone uses the file tps.bin but the final
solution do not owe flasher the every day is the extraction of the keyset which is currently sent by tps in stream on a well defined
pid. Unfortunately there too tps has corser lately the system and sendings not only the keyset but also separately a régle has to
use for the extraction of the keys this one is regularly to modify it is what poses problem actuellemet with demonstration FTE which
before could extract the keyset automatically and to manage any Ca but maitenant as soon as the rules of extractions are to modify
the fte nécéssite an update because the extracted keyset is not good. Veiled hope that that advances some can the schmilblik PS:
Here a log of the process into live so that that is more visual still and has R **** and the others I always awaits a return of your
Appearance of the hidden text >
- LogPos= 680 -- 22:12: 37 ----- time file: 25.867 -- delta: 25.867
> CA 88 00 08 59
> DF
: 67 3rd 01 09 50
C2 A0 7A 88 1A B1 06 2B
09 68 B7 F3
53 DA FC 14 9A EE cd. CD E0 5A B9
F8 24 71
1A 1E B5 36 28 DF
> E2 03: 35 9B 00
> E2 03: 35 9B 05
> E2 03: 35 9B 07
> EA 10: AC 1B E9 92 95
2B cd. 4B 6D DD 85 F2 C2 AA 9A
> F0 08: 89 F7 1A CA DD FE 1B E1
28 => Bad sign Card asking for DCW: Provider 1 TPScrypt 007C0# Key 8
ECM: DF2C673E01095046ACC2A07A881AB1062B1F0968B7F32C9C53
ispreSE mode: rc6 key 05A3484212B5B0B8ABFF7F910181052F
istps mode: aes key 05A3484212B5B0B8ABFF7F910181052F
ispostSE mode: aes key 9AAE43B754B70080E0D8C562F82D1304
Identity channel: TF1
< 90 40
< --------------------------- execution time: 2.578
> - LogPos= 1629 -- 22:12: 39 ----- time file: 28.555 -- delta: 0.109
> CA 88 00 08 59
> DF
: 67 3rd 01 09 50
C2 A0 7A 88 1A B1 06 2B
09 68 B7 F3
53 DA FC 14 9A EE cd. CD E0 5A B9
F8 24 71
1A 1E B5 36 28 DF
> E2 03: 35 9B 00
> E2 03: 35 9B 05
> E2 03: 35 9B 07
> EA 10: AC 1B E9 92 95
2B cd. 4B 6D DD 85 F2 C2 AA 9A
> F0 08: 89 F7 1A CA DD FE 1B E1
28 => Bad sign Card asking for DCW: Provider 1 TPScrypt 007C0# Key 8
ECM: DF2C673E01095046ACC2A07A881AB1062B1F0968B7F32C9C53
ispreSE mode: rc6 key 05A3484212B5B0B8ABFF7F910181052F
istps mode: aes key 05A3484212B5B0B8ABFF7F910181052F
ispostSE mode: aes key 9AAE43B754B70080E0D8C562F82D1304
Identity channel: TF1
< 90 40
< --------------------------- execution time: 2.594
> - LogPos= 2578 -- 22:12: 44 ----- time file: 32.680 -- delta: 1.531
> CA F0 00 01 22
> 9th 20: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00
< 90 00
< --------------------------- execution time: 0.328
> - LogPos= 2842 -- 22:12: 44 ----- time file: 33.008 -- delta: 0.000
> CA 18 01 01 17
> A9 0B: 35 81 36 23 20 00 00 00 00 00 00
> F0 08: 73 AD
A9 F 0A AB 8B
< 90 00
< --------------------------- execution time: 0.172
> - LogPos= 3080 -- 22:12: 46 ----- time file: 34.609 -- delta: 1.430
> CA 88 00 08 59
> DF
: 80 FF 20 8B C7 D8 AB A1 26 2B 41 F6 41 16 5th 1D E1 64 8E
4D 70 E3 54 DD C9 B3 D8 A8 63 79 F7 94 13 F4 BB 56 24 A3 E1 49 01
> E2 03: 35 9B 00
> E2 03: 35 9B 05
> E2 03: 35 9B 07
> EA 10: 2D 8th 7D DE F8 6B 3D 72 51 78 36 A2 90
C2 18
> F0 08: F5 B7 19 C8 87
28 => Bad sign Card asking for DCW: Provider 1 TPScrypt 007C0# Key 8
ECM: DF2C80FF208BC7D8ABA1262B41F641165E1DE1648E3C7C2C4D
istps mode: aes key 05A3484212B5B0B8ABFF7F910181052F
ispostSE mode: aes key 9AAE43B754B70080E0D8C562F82D1304
Identity channel: TF1
< 90 40
< --------------------------- execution time: 2.578
> - LogPos= 3971 -- 22:12: 56 ----- time file: 44.656 -- delta: 7.469
> CA 88 00 08 59
> DF
: 15 0B 52 70 B1 48 AD 98 F9 40 93 39 6A AB 97 DC B4 4A 50 EF A0 D9 54 A2 9A EF 07 BE 45 F9 F8 21 27 61 1D DF 32
B3 43 2A 95
> E2 03: 35 9B 00
> E2 03: 35 9B 05
> E2 03: 35 9B 07
> EA 10: 3B A0 cd. 93 62 EB
5D EC. CB 10 E3 cd. 1A B0 E9
> F0 08: FD 98 34 F1 42 02 65 6B
28 => Bad sign Card asking for DCW: Provider 1 TPScrypt 007C0# Key 8
ECM: DF2C150B5270B148AD98F94093396AAB97CCB44A50EFA0D954
ispreSE mode: rc6 key 05A3484212B5B0B8ABFF7F910181052F
istps mode: aes key 05A3484212B5B0B8ABFF7F910181052F
ispostSE mode: aes key 9AAE43B754B70080E0D8C562F82D1304
Identity channel: TF1
< 90 40
< --------------------------- execution time: 2.633
> - LogPos= 4920 -- 22:13: 06 ----- time file: 54.758 -- delta: 7.469
> CA 88 00 08 59
> DF
: 16 B4 3rd FD MINOR ROAD 08 5D EF 37 17 E0
4E 52 F1 C0 95 57 28 69 55 E2 28 1D 76 A0 2D 24 9D E0 20 E6 0D A2
63 42 EB 02 D3 54 5A 05 7th
> E2 03: 35 9B 00
> E2 03: 35 9B 05
> E2 03: 35 9B 07
> EA 10: 89 data bases 17 3D 62
DD FD 4B ED B3 F7 D4 6D 1A 49
> F0 08: 4B EC 10 6A C0 E3 D0 94
28 => Bad sign Card asking for DCW: Provider 1 TPScrypt 007C0# Key 8
ECM: DF2C16B43EFDCD085DEF3717E09C4E52F1C09557286955E228
istps mode: aes key 05A3484212B5B0B8ABFF7F910181052F
ispostSE mode: aes key 9AAE43B754B70080E0D8C562F82D1304
Identity channel: TF1
< 90 40
< --------------------------- execution time: 2.594
> -LogPos= 5811 -- 22:13:16 ----- time file: 64.867 -- delta: 7.516
> CA 88 00 08 59
> DF
: B9 80 3D
FF 55 B6 19 23 1E AA BE CD 77 42 C7 F7 41 90 10 0E B1
E9 E8 46 C0
BD F7 BE 94 16
D6 8B 08 9D 18 B8 DF A7 6E B3
> E2 03 : 35 9B 00
> E2 03 : 35 9B 05
> E2 03 : 35 9B 07
> EA 10 : E4 03 4B 5A 62 80 B3 CA CE 24 C0 94 50
> F0 08 : 7E
20 BD 1B D1 F2 8A
28 => Bad sign Card asking for DCW : Provider 1 TPScrypt 007C0# Key 8
DF2CB9803D8FFF55B619231EAABECD7742C7F74190100EB14F E9E846C00FBDF7BE94169CD68B089D18B8DFA76EB3E203359B 00E203359B05E203359B07EA10E4034B5A6280B3CACE24C094 508F223FF0087E2C20BD1BD1F28A
ispreSE mode: rc6 key 05A3484212B5B0B8ABFF7F910181052F
istps mode: aes key 05A3484212B5B0B8ABFF7F910181052F
ispostSE mode: aes key 9AAE43B754B70080E0D8C562F82D1304
Identity channel : TF1
< 90 40
< --------------------------- execution time: 2.578
> -LogPos= 6760 -- 22:13:18 ----- time file: 67.445 -- delta: 0.000
> CA F0 00 01 22
> 9E 20 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00
< 90 00
< --------------------------- execution time: 0.391
> -LogPos= 7024 -- 22:13:19 ----- time file: 67.836 -- delta: 0.000
> CA 18 01 01 16
> A9 0A : 35 81 36 23 80 00 00 00 00 00
> F0 08 : 37 60 FA 87 56 72 95 E7
< 90 00
< --------------------------- execution time: 0.164
Not:arkadaslar yukarida verdigim yanlizca bilgidir tps nin yeni sistemininde hacklendiginin aciklamasıdır.
bu bilgileri siz receiver kullanıcıları kullanamazsınız çünkü bunlar yazilimlarin ön çalışmasıdır ve halen daha eksikler vardır netice olarak tps nin emu ya düsmesi beklenmektedirSon düzenleme BEDİR; 16-04-2007, 11:33.Yorum
Konu: Goldmaster larda tpsler çöktümü
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