Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

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  • delphin
    Senior Member
    • 27-12-2005
    • 15279


    Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

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    Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

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    En Yaşlı Oscar Kazananlar Tıkla !

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    hazırlıyan @delphin
    Son düzenleme delphin; 17-05-2007, 00:43.
  • delphin
    Senior Member
    • 27-12-2005
    • 15279

    Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

    Oscar'ın tarihi

    Oscar olarak bilinen Akademi Ödülleri sinema alanında verilen dünyanın en prestijli ve en eski ödülleridir. Her yıl dağıtılan Oscarlar ilk kez 1927 yılında kurulan ve merkezi Beverly Hills, California da bulunan profesyonel bir organizasyon olan Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) tarafından 1929 yılının mayıs ayında dağıtıldı.Pricewaterhouse& 1935 yılından itibaren Oscar ödüllerinin gizli oylama sürecini yönetiyor. Organizasyon 1941 yılından itibaren ise gizli zarf sistemiyle çalışmalarını sürdürüyor.

    Oscarın dağıtıldığı ilk yıllarda bir filmin ödüle aday olabilmesi için ödülün verileceği yıldan bir önceki yılın temmuz ayının 31ine kadar Los Angelesda vizyona girmesi gerekiyordu. Fakat daha sonra bir yılın 12 ayını da kullanmak adına 1932/1933 Oscar ödüllerine aday olan filmlere 17 aylık bir adaylık süresi tanındı. 1934 yılından itibaren ödüllerin verildiği senenin bir yıl öncesindeki süre içinde gösterime giren filmler Oscara aday olma hakkını kazandı.

    Oscar ödül töreni 1954 yılına kadar çoğunlukla Perşembe geceleri gerçekleşiyordu. 1955-1958 yılları arasındaki ödül törenleri Çarşamba günleri sahiplerini bulurken 1959&dan 1999 yılına kadar kadar ,birkaç istisna haricinde, ödüller pazartesi geceleri dağıtıldı. Oscar ödüllerinin dağıtımı 1999 yılından günümüze Pazar geceleri yapılıyor.

    Stüdyolara ya da oyunculara prestij kazandırdığı düşünülürse Akademinin ve bu organizasyonun ödül sisteminin dünyadaki film endüstrisini derinden etkilediği söylenebilir. Film stüdyoları genelde çektikleri filmlere oy toplamak için bir çok pahalı pazarlama ve reklam kampanyası yapma yolunu seçiyor. Akademi her ne kadar stüdyolar tarafından yapılan reklam ve promosyon kampanyalarının ve uygulanan pazarlama taktiklerinin önünü kesmeye çalışsa da bu tarz aktiviteler oylama sonuçlarını etkiliyor. Özellikle 80li yıllardan itibaren sadece maddi çıkarlar düşünülerek çekilen filmlerin kitleleri etkilemeyi başarsa da gerekli derinliğe sahip olmadıklarını düşünen eleştirmenlerden olumlu puan alamadığı görüldü.

    Akademi'nin tarihçesi

    Orijinal adı 'The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' olan Akademi 6000 oyuncu ve sinema emekçisinden oluşan bir organizasyon. Her yıl dağıttığı ödüllerle tanınsa da Akademi'nin genel hedefi sinema sanatının gelişimine katkı sağlamak. Akademi ayrıca sinema sektörü içindeki profesyonellerle halkın birlikte gerçekleştirebileceği eğitsel aktiviteler düzenliyor.

    Akademi 1927 yılının Mayıs ayında prodüksiyon yöneticileri ile sinema dünyasının tanınmış isimlerinden oluşan 36 kişilik bir grupla çalışmalarına başladı. Ünlü organizasyonun ilk başkanı Douglas Fairbanks idi. Fairbanks'den sonra Frank Capra, Bette Davis, Jean Hersholt, George Stevens, Robert E. Wise, Karl Malden, Arthur Hiller and Robert Rehme gibi isimler başkanlık koltuğuna oturdu. Akademinin şimdiki başkanı Frank Pierson ise koltuğu 2001 yılında devraldı.


    Ona 'Akademi Heykelciği' diyen de var, 'Altın Ödül' ya da 'Üstün Başarı Heykeli' de. 'Weekly Variety' dergisinin 'Demir Adam' olarak nitelendirdiği ödüle biz daha çok 'Oscar' diyoruz. 1928 yılında doğan Oscar heykelciğinin üzerinde film makarasının üzerinde elinde haçlı askerlerinin kullandığı bir kılıç taşıyan bir şövalye bulunuyor. Şovalyenin üzerinde durduğu makaranın beş tekerlek parmağı aktörler, yazarlar, yönetmenler, yapımcılar ve teknik ekip olmak üzere Akademinin orjinal kollarını temsil ediyor.

    3,8 kg ağırlığındaki heykelcik MGMnin baş sanat direktörü Cedric Gibbons tarafından tasarlandı. Gibbons'ın asistanı Frederic Hope orijinal siyah mermer zemini yaratırken heykeltraş George Stanley tasarımı bir heykel çizgilerine dönüştürdü. California Bronz döküm enstitüsü ise ilk Oscar heykelciğini 24 karat altınla kapladı.

    'Oscar' ismi nereden geliyor?

    Dünyanın sinema alanında en prestijli ödülü sayılan heykelciğin ismi nereden geliyor? Akademide bir süre kütüphane görevlisi olarak çalıştıktan sonra yapımcılığa başlayan Margaret Herrick'in heykelciğin üzerindeki adam figürünü amcası Oscara benzettiğini söylemesi üzerine heykelciğe Oscar; ismi verildiği söyleniyor. 1934 yılındaki altıncı ödül töreninin ardından Hollywoodun ünlü köşe yazarı Sidney Skolsky yazısında o yıl En İyi Kadın Oyuncu dalında ödüle layık görülen Katharine Hepburnün aldığı ödülü Oscar olarak nitelendirerek heykelciği ilk kez bu isimle tanımlamış oldu. Akademi Oscar ismini 1939 yılına kadar resmi olarak kullanmadı.

    Oscar bazı durumlarda farklı şekillerde sahiplerine sunuldu. Örneğin 1930lu yıllarla 1950li yıllar arasında ödüle layık görülen çocuk oyunculara heykelciğin minyatür replikaları verilirken vantrilok Edgar Bergene ağız kısmı hareket edebilen ahşap bir Oscar heykelciği sunuldu. Ayrıca Walt Disneye, ödül kazandığı yapıtı Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs için biri standart boyutta olmak üzere yedi minyatür heykelcik takdim edildi. 1942-1944 yılları arasında 2. Dünya Savaşı sırasında ekonomiye katkı sağlamak açısından Oscarın yapımında altın yerine plaster kullanıldı. 1945 yılında heykelciğin mermer tabanı metale dönüştürülürken 1949 yılında heykelcik 501den başlayarak numaralandırılmaya başlandı.


    • delphin
      Senior Member
      • 27-12-2005
      • 15279

      Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

      Eniyi Film Oscarları

      2007 Departed
      2006 Crash
      2005 Million Dollar Baby
      2004 Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
      2003 Chicago
      2002 A Beautiful Mind
      2001 Gladiator
      2000 American Beauty
      1999 Shakespeare in Love
      1998 Titanic
      1997 The English Patient
      1996 Braveheart
      1995 Forrest Gump
      1994 Schindler's List
      1993 Unforgiven
      1992 The Silence of the Lambs
      1991 Dances With Wolves: Special Edition
      1990 Driving Miss Daisy
      1989 Rain Man
      1988 The Last Emperor
      1987 Platoon
      1986 Out of Africa
      1985 Amadeus
      1984 Terms of Endearment
      1983 Gandhi
      1982 Chariots of Fire
      1981 Ordinary People
      1980 Kramer vs. Kramer
      1979 The Deer Hunter
      1978 Annie Hall
      1977 Rocky
      1976 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
      1975 The Godfather, Part II
      1974 The Sting
      1973 The Godfather
      1972 The French Connection
      1971 Patton
      1970 Midnight Cowboy
      1969 Oliver!
      1968 In the Heat of the Night
      1967 A Man for All Seasons
      1966 The Sound of Music
      1965 My Fair Lady: Special Edition
      1964 Tom Jones
      1963 Lawrence of Arabia
      1962 West Side Story
      1961 The Apartment
      1960 Ben-Hur
      1959 Gigi
      1958 The Bridge on the River Kwai
      1957 Around the World in 80 Days: Special Edition
      1956 Marty
      1955 On the Waterfront
      1954 From Here to Eternity
      1953 The Greatest Show on Earth
      1952 An American in Paris
      1951 All About Eve
      1950 All the King's Men
      1949 Laurence Olivier's Hamlet
      1948 Gentleman's Agreement
      1947 The Best Years of Our Lives
      1946 The Lost Weekend
      1945 Going My Way / Holiday Inn
      1944 Casablanca
      1943 Mrs. Miniver
      1942 How Green Was My Valley
      1941 Rebecca
      1940 Gone with the Wind: Collector's Edition
      1939 You Can't Take It With You
      1938 The Life of Emile Zola
      1937 The Great Ziegfeld
      1936 Mutiny on the Bounty
      1935 It Happened One Night
      1934 Cavalcade
      1933 Grand Hotel
      1932 Cimarron
      1931 All Quiet on the Western Front
      1930 The Broadway Melody of 1929
      1929 Wings


      • delphin
        Senior Member
        • 27-12-2005
        • 15279

        Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

        En İyi Belgesel Oscar'ı Alan Filmler

        2007 An Inconvenient Truth
        2006 March of the Penguins
        2005 Born Into Brothels
        2004 The Fog of War
        2003 Bowling for Columbine
        2002 Murder on a Sunday Morning
        2001 Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport
        2000 One Day in September
        1999 Last Days
        1998 The Long Way Home
        1997 When We Were Kings
        1996 Anne Frank Remembered
        1995 Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision
        1994 I Am a Promise: The Children of Stanton Elementary School
        1993 The Panama Deception
        1992 In the Shadow of the Stars
        1991 American Dream
        1990 Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt
        1989 Hotel Terminus
        1988 The Ten-Year Lunch
        1987 Artie Shaw: Time Is All You've Got
        1986 Broken Rainbow
        1985 The Times of Harvey Milk
        1984 He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin'
        1983 Just Another Missing Kid
        1982 Genocide
        1981 From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China
        1980 Best Boy
        1979 Scared Straight!
        1978 Who Are the DeBolts? And Where Did They Get Nineteen Kids?
        1977 Harlan County, U.S.A.
        1976 The Man Who Skied Down Everest
        1975 Hearts and Minds
        1974 The Great American Cowboy
        1973 Marjoe
        1972 The Hellstrom Chronicle
        1971 Woodstock: 3 Days of Peace & Music
        1970 Arthur Rubenstien: The Love of Life
        1969 Journey Into Self
        1968 The Anderson Platoon
        1967 The War Game
        1966 The Eleanor Roosevelt Story
        1965 World Without Sun
        1964 Robert Frost: A Lover’s Quarrel with the World
        1963 Black Fox: The True Story of Adolf Hitler
        1962 The Sky Above, The Mud Below
        1961 The Horse with the Flying Tail
        1960 Serengeti Shall Not Die
        1959 White Wilderness
        1958 Albert Schweitzer
        1957 The Silent World
        1956 Helen Keller in Her Story
        1955 The Vanishing Prairie
        1954 The Living Desert
        1953 The Sea Around Us
        1952 Kon-Tiki
        1951 The Titan: Story of Michelangelo
        1950 Daybreak in Udi
        1949 The Secret Land
        1948 Design for Death
        1946 The True Glory
        1945 The Fighting Lady
        1944 Desert Victory
        1943 Prelude to War
        1943 The Battle of Midway
        1943 Moscow Strikes Back
        1943 Kokoda Front Line
        1942 Churchill's Island


        • delphin
          Senior Member
          • 27-12-2005
          • 15279

          Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

          En İyi Yabancı Film Oscar'ı Alanlar

          2007 Leben der Anderen, Das(the Lives of Others)
          2006 Tsotsi
          2005 The Sea Inside
          2004 The Barbarian Invasions
          2003 Nowhere in Africa
          2002 No Man's Land
          2001 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
          2000 All About My Mother
          1999 Life Is Beautiful
          1998 Character
          1997 Kolya
          1996 Antonia's Line
          1995 Burnt by the Sun
          1994 Belle Epoque
          1993 Indochine
          1992 Mediterraneo
          1991 Journey of Hope
          1990 Cinema Paradiso: Director's Cut
          1989 Pelle the Conqueror
          1988 Babette's Feast
          1987 The Assault
          1986 The Official Story
          1985 Dangerous Moves
          1984 Fanny and Alexander (Theatrical Version)
          1983 To Begin Again
          1982 Mephisto
          1981 Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears
          1980 The Tin Drum
          1979 Get Out Your Handkerchiefs
          1978 Madame Rosa
          1977 Black and White in Color
          1976 Dersu Uzala
          1975 Amarcord
          1974 Day for Night
          1973 The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
          1972 The Garden of the Finzi-Continis
          1971 Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
          1970 Z
          1969 War and Peace (5-Disc Series)
          1968 Closely Watched Trains
          1967 A Man and a Woman
          1966 The Shop on Main Street
          1965 Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
          1964 8 1/2
          1963 Sundays and Cybele
          1962 Through a Glass Darkly
          1961 The Virgin Spring
          1960 Black Orpheus
          1959 My Uncle
          1958 Nights of Cabiria
          1957 La Strada
          1956 To 'Samurai, The Legend of Musashi
          1955 To 'Gate of Hell'
          1953 Forbidden Games
          1952 'Rashomon
          1951 'The Walls of Malapaga
          1950 The Bicycle Thief
          1949 Monsieur Vincent
          1948 Shoe-Shine


          • delphin
            Senior Member
            • 27-12-2005
            • 15279

            Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

            En İyi Yönetmen Oscar'ı Alanlar

            2007 Martin Scorsese (Departed)
            2006 Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain)
            2005 Clint Eastwood (Million Dollar Baby)
            2004 Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
            2003 Roman Polanski (The Pianist)
            2002 Ron Howard (A Beautiful Mind)
            2001 Steven Soderbergh (Traffic)
            2000 Sam Mendes (American Beauty)
            1999 Steven Spielberg (Saving Private Ryan)
            1998 James Cameron (Titanic)
            1997 Anthony Minghella (The English Patient)
            1996 Mel Gibson (Braveheart)
            1995 Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump)
            1994 Steven Spielberg (Schindler's List)
            1993 Clint Eastwood (Unforgiven)
            1992 Jonathan Demme (The Silence of the Lambs)
            1991 Kevin Costner (Dances With Wolves: Special Edition)
            1990 Oliver Stone (Born on the Fourth of July)
            1989 Barry Levinson (Rain Man)
            1988 Bernardo Bertolucci (The Last Emperor)
            1987 Oliver Stone (Platoon)
            1986 Sydney Pollack (Out of Africa)
            1985 Milos Forman (Amadeus)
            1984 James L. Brooks (Terms of Endearment)
            1983 Richard Attenborough (Gandhi)
            1982 Warren Beatty (Reds)
            1981 Robert Redford (Ordinary People)
            1980 Robert Benton (Kramer vs. Kramer)
            1979 Michael Cimino (The Deer Hunter)
            1978 Woody Allen (Annie Hall)
            1977 John G. Avildsen (Rocky)
            1976 Milos Forman (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
            1975 Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather, Part II)
            1974 George Roy Hill (The Sting)
            1973 Bob Fosse (Cabaret)
            1972 William Friedkin (The French Connection)
            1971 Franklin J. Schaffner (Patton)
            1970 John Schlesinger (Midnight Cowboy)
            1969 Carol Reed (Oliver!)
            1968 Mike Nichols (The Graduate)
            1967 Fred Zinnemann (A Man for All Seasons)
            1966 Robert Wise (The Sound of Music)
            1965 George Cukor (My Fair Lady: Special Edition)
            1964 Tony Richardson (Tom Jones)
            1963 David Lean (Lawrence of Arabia)
            1962 Robert Wise (West Side Story)
            1961 Billy Wilder (The Apartment)
            1960 William Wyler (Ben-Hur)
            1959 Vincente Minnelli (Gigi)
            1958 David Lean (The Bridge on the River Kwai)
            1957 George Stevens (Giant)
            1956 Delbert Mann (Marty)
            1955 Elia Kazan (On the Waterfront)
            1954 Fred Zinnemann (From Here to Eternity)
            1953 John Ford (The Quiet Man)
            1952 George Stevens (A Place in the Sun)
            1951 Joseph L. Mankiewicz (All About Eve)
            1950 Joseph L. Mankiewicz (A Letter to Three Wives)
            1949 John Huston (The Treasure of the Sierra Madre)
            1948 Elia Kazan (Gentleman's Agreement)
            1947 William Wyler (The Best Years of Our Lives)
            1946 Billy Wilder (The Lost Weekend)
            1945 Leo McCarey (Going My Way / Holiday Inn)
            1944 Michael Curtiz (Casablanca)
            1943 William Wyler (Mrs. Miniver)
            1942 John Ford (How Green Was My Valley)
            1941 John Ford (The Grapes of Wrath)
            1940 Victor Fleming (Gone with the Wind: Collector's Edition)
            1939 Frank Capra (You Can't Take It With You)
            1938 Leo McCarey (The Awful Truth)
            1937 Frank Capra (Mr. Deeds Goes to Town)
            1936 John Ford (The Informer)
            1935 Frank Capra (It Happened One Night)
            1934 Frank Lloyd (Cavalcade)
            1933 Frank Borzage (Bad Girl)
            1932 Norman Taurog (Skippy)
            1931 Lewis Milestone (All Quiet on the Western Front)
            1930 Frank Lloyd (The Divine Lady)
            1929 Frank Borzage (Seventh Heaven)
            1929 Lewis Milestone (Two Arabian Knights)


            • delphin
              Senior Member
              • 27-12-2005
              • 15279

              Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

              En iyi Erkek Oyuncu Oscar'ı Alanlar

              2007 Forest Whitaker(The Last King of Scotland )
              2006 Philip Seymour Hoffman (Capote)
              2005 Jamie Foxx (Ray)
              2004 Sean Penn (Mystic River)
              2003 Adrien Brody (The Pianist)
              2002 Denzel Washington (Training Day)
              2001 Russell Crowe (Gladiator)
              2000 Kevin Spacey (American Beauty)
              1999 Roberto Benigni (Life Is Beautiful)
              1998 Jack Nicholson (As Good as It Gets)
              1997 Geoffrey Rush (Shine)
              1996 Nicolas Cage (Leaving Las Vegas)
              1995 Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump)
              1994 Tom Hanks (Philadelphia)
              1993 Al Pacino (Scent of a Woman)
              1992 Anthony Hopkins (The Silence of the Lambs)
              1991 Jeremy Irons (Reversal of Fortune)
              1990 Daniel Day-Lewis (My Left Foot)
              1989 Dustin Hoffman (Rain Man)
              1988 Michael Douglas (Wall Street)
              1987 Paul Newman (The Color of Money)
              1986 William Hurt (Kiss of the Spider Woman)
              1985 F. Murray Abraham (Amadeus)
              1984 Robert Duvall (Tender Mercies)
              1983 Ben Kingsley (Gandhi)
              1982 Henry Fonda (On Golden Pond)
              1981 Robert De Niro (Raging Bull)
              1980 Dustin Hoffman (Kramer vs. Kramer)
              1979 Jon Voight (Coming Home)
              1978 Richard Dreyfuss (The Goodbye Girl)
              1977 Peter Finch (Network)
              1976 Jack Nicholson (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
              1975 Art Carney (Harry and Tonto)
              1974 Jack Lemmon (Save the Tiger)
              1973 Marlon Brando (The Godfather)
              1972 Gene Hackman (The French Connection)
              1971 George C. Scott (Patton)
              1970 John Wayne (True Grit)
              1969 Cliff Robertson (Charly)
              1968 Rod Steiger (In the Heat of the Night)
              1967 Paul Scofield (A Man for All Seasons)
              1966 Lee Marvin (Cat Ballou)
              1965 Rex Harrison (My Fair Lady: Special Edition)
              1964 Sidney Poitier (Lilies of the Field)
              1963 Gregory Peck (To Kill a Mockingbird)
              1962 Maximilian Schell (Judgement at Nuremberg)
              1961 Burt Lancaster (Elmer Gantry)
              1960 Charlton Heston (Ben-Hur)
              1959 David Niven (Separate Tables)
              1958 Alec Guinness (The Bridge on the River Kwai)
              1957 Yul Brynner (The King and I)
              1956 Ernest Borgnine (Marty)
              1955 Marlon Brando (On the Waterfront)
              1954 William Holden (Stalag 17)
              1953 Gary Cooper (High Noon)
              1952 Humphrey Bogart (The African Queen)
              1951 Jose Ferrer (Cyrano de Bergerac)
              1950 Broderick Crawford (All the King's Men)
              1949 Laurence Olivier (Laurence Olivier's Hamlet)
              1948 Ronald Colman (A Double Life)
              1947 Fredric March (The Best Years of Our Lives)
              1946 Ray Milland (The Lost Weekend)
              1945 Bing Crosby (Going My Way / Holiday Inn)
              1944 Paul Lukas (Watch on the Rhine)
              1943 James Cagney (Yankee Doodle Dandy)
              1942 Gary Cooper (Sergeant York)
              1941 James Stewart (The Philadelphia Story)
              1940 Robert Donat (Goodbye, Mr. Chips)
              1939 Spencer Tracy (Boys Town)
              1938 Spencer Tracy (Captains Courageous)
              1937 Paul Muni (The Story of Louis Pasteur)
              1936 Victor McLaglen (The Informer)
              1935 Clark Gable (It Happened One Night)
              1934 Charles Laughton (The Private Life of Henry VIII)
              1932 Fredric March (Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde: 1932 & 1941)
              1932 Wallace Beery (The Champ)
              1931 George Arliss (Disraeli)
              1931 Lionel Barrymore (A Free Soul)
              1929 Emil Jannings (The Way of All Flesh)
              1929 Emil Jannings (The Last Command)


              • delphin
                Senior Member
                • 27-12-2005
                • 15279

                Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

                En İyi Kadın Oyuncu Oscar'ını Alanlar

                2007 Helen Mirren(Quenn)
                2006 Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line)
                2005 Hilary Swank (Million Dollar Baby)
                2004 Charlize Theron (Monster)
                2003 Nicole Kidman (The Hours)
                2002 Halle Berry (Monster's Ball)
                2001 Julia Roberts (Erin Brockovich)
                2000 Hilary Swank (Boys Don't Cry)
                1999 Gwyneth Paltrow (Shakespeare in Love)
                1998 Helen Hunt (As Good as It Gets)
                1997 Frances McDormand (Fargo)
                1996 Susan Sarandon (Dead Man Walking)
                1995 Jessica Lange (Blue Sky)
                1994 Holly Hunter (The Piano)
                1993 Emma Thompson (Howards End)
                1992 Jodie Foster (The Silence of the Lambs)
                1991 Kathy Bates (Misery)
                1990 Jessica Tandy (Driving Miss Daisy)
                1989 Jodie Foster (The Accused)
                1988 Cher (Moonstruck)
                1987 Marlee Matlin (Children of a Lesser God)
                1986 Geraldine Page (The Trip to Bountiful)
                1985 Sally Field (Places in the Heart)
                1984 Shirley MacLaine (Terms of Endearment)
                1983 Meryl Streep (Sophie's Choice)
                1982 Katharine Hepburn (On Golden Pond)
                1981 Sissy Spacek (Coal Miner's Daughter: Collector's Edition)
                1980 Sally Field (Norma Rae)
                1979 Jane Fonda (Coming Home)
                1978 Diane Keaton (Annie Hall)
                1977 Faye Dunaway (Network)
                1976 Louise Fletcher (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
                1975 Ellen Burstyn (Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore)
                1974 Glenda Jackson (A Touch of Class)
                1973 Liza Minnelli (Cabaret)
                1972 Jane Fonda (Klute)
                1971 Glenda Jackson (Women in Love)
                1970 Maggie Smith (The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie)
                1969 Katharine Hepburn (The Lion in Winter)
                1969 Barbra Streisand (Funny Girl)
                1968 Katharine Hepburn (Guess Who's Coming to Dinner)
                1967 Elizabeth Taylor (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
                1966 Julie Christie (Darling)
                1964 Patricia Neal (Hud)
                1963 Anne Bancroft (The Miracle Worker)
                1962 Sophia Loren (Two Women)
                1961 Elizabeth Taylor (Butterfield
                1960 Simone Signoret (Room at the Top)
                1959 Susan Hayward (I Want To Live!)
                1958 Joanne Woodward (The Three Faces of Eve)
                1957 Ingrid Bergman (Anastasia)
                1956 Anna Magnani (The Rose Tattoo)
                1955 Grace Kelly (The Country Girl)
                1954 Audrey Hepburn (Roman Holiday)
                1953 Shirley Booth (Come Back, Little Sheba)
                1952 Vivien Leigh (A Streetcar Named Desire)
                1951 Judy Holliday (Born Yesterday)
                1950 Olivia de Havilland (The Heiress)
                1949 Jane Wyman (Johnny Belinda)
                1948 Loretta Young (The Farmer's Daughter)
                1947 Olivia de Havilland (To Each His Own)
                1946 Joan Crawford (Mildred Pierce)
                1945 Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight)
                1944 Jennifer Jones (The Song of Bernadette)
                1943 Greer Garson (Mrs. Miniver)
                1942 Joan Fontaine (Suspicion)
                1941 Ginger Rogers (Kitty Foyle)
                1940 Vivien Leigh (Gone with the Wind: Collector's Edition)
                1939 Bette Davis (Jezebel)
                1938 Luise Rainer (The Good Earth)
                1937 Luise Rainer (The Great Ziegfeld)
                1936 Bette Davis (Dangerous)
                1935 Claudette Colbert (It Happened One Night)
                1934 Katharine Hepburn (Morning Glory)
                1933 Helen Hayes (The Sin of Madelon Claudet)
                1932 Marie Dressler (Min and Bill)
                1931 Norma Shearer (The Divorcee)
                1930 Mary Pickford (Coquette)
                1929 Janet Gaynor (Sunrise)
                1929 Janet Gaynor (Street Angel)
                1929 Janet Gaynor (Seventh Heaven)


                • delphin
                  Senior Member
                  • 27-12-2005
                  • 15279

                  Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

                  En İyi Erkek Yardımcı Oyuncu Oscar'ını Alanlar

                  2007 Alan Arkin (Little Miss Sunshine)
                  2006 George Clooney (Syriana)
                  2005 Morgan Freeman (Million Dollar Baby)
                  2004 Tim Robbins (Mystic River)
                  2003 Chris Cooper (Adaptation)
                  2002 Jim Broadbent (Iris)
                  2001 Benicio Del Toro (Traffic)
                  2000 Michael Caine (The Cider House Rules)
                  1999 James Coburn (Affliction)
                  1998 Robin Williams (Good Will Hunting)
                  1997 Cuba Gooding Jr. (Jerry Maguire)
                  1996 Kevin Spacey (The Usual Suspects)
                  1995 Martin Landau (Ed Wood)
                  1994 Tommy Lee Jones (The Fugitive)
                  1993 Gene Hackman (Unforgiven)
                  1992 Jack Palance (City Slickers)
                  1991 Joe Pesci (GoodFellas: Special Edition)
                  1990 Denzel Washington (Glory)
                  1989 Kevin Kline (A Fish Called Wanda)
                  1988 Sean Connery (The Untouchables)
                  1987 Michael Caine (Hannah and Her Sisters)
                  1986 Don Ameche (Cocoon)
                  1985 Haing S. Ngor (The Killing Fields)
                  1984 Jack Nicholson (Terms of Endearment)
                  1983 Louis Gossett Jr. (An Officer and a Gentleman)
                  1982 John Gielgud (Arthur)
                  1981 Timothy Hutton (Ordinary People)
                  1980 Melvyn Douglas (Being There)
                  1979 Christopher Walken (The Deer Hunter)
                  1978 Jason Robards (Julia)
                  1977 Jason Robards (All the President's Men)
                  1976 George Burns (The Sunshine Boys)
                  1975 Robert De Niro (The Godfather, Part II)
                  1974 John Houseman (The Paper Chase)
                  1973 Joel Grey (Cabaret)
                  1972 Ben Johnson (The Last Picture Show)
                  1971 John Mills (Ryan's Daughter)
                  1970 Gig Young (They Shoot Horses, Don't They?)
                  1969 Jack Albertson (The Subject Was Roses)
                  1968 George Kennedy (Cool Hand Luke)
                  1967 Walter Matthau (The Fortune Cookie)
                  1966 Martin Balsam (A Thousand Clowns)
                  1965 Peter Ustinov (Topkapi)
                  1964 Melvyn Douglas (Hud)
                  1963 Ed Begley (Sweet Bird of Youth)
                  1962 George Chakiris (West Side Story)
                  1961 Peter Ustinov (Spartacus)
                  1960 Hugh Griffith (Ben-Hur)
                  1959 Burl Ives (The Big Country)
                  1958 Red Buttons (Sayonara)
                  1957 Anthony Quinn (Lust for Life)
                  1956 Jack Lemmon (Mister Roberts)
                  1955 Edmond O'Brien (The Barefoot Contessa)
                  1954 Frank Sinatra (From Here to Eternity)
                  1953 Anthony Quinn (Viva Zapata!)
                  1952 Karl Malden (A Streetcar Named Desire)
                  1951 George Sanders (All About Eve)
                  1950 Dean Jagger (Twelve O'Clock High)
                  1949 Walter Huston (The Treasure of the Sierra Madre)
                  1948 Edmund Gwenn (Miracle on 34th Street)
                  1947 Harold Russell (The Best Years of Our Lives)
                  1946 James Dunn (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn)
                  1945 Barry Fitzgerald (Going My Way / Holiday Inn)
                  1944 Charles Coburn (The More the Merrier)
                  1943 Van Heflin (Johnny Eager)
                  1942 Donald Crisp (How Green Was My Valley)
                  1941 Walter Brennan (The Westerner)
                  1940 Thomas Mitchell (Stagecoach)
                  1939 Walter Brennan (Kentucky)
                  1938 Joseph Schildkraut (The Life of Emile Zola)
                  1937 Walter Brennan (Come and Get It)


                  • delphin
                    Senior Member
                    • 27-12-2005
                    • 15279

                    Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

                    En İyi Kadın Yardımcı Oyuncu Oscar'ı Alanlar

                    2007 Jennifer Hudson(Dream girls)
                    2006 Rachel Weisz (Constant Gardener)
                    2005 Cate Blanchett (The Aviator)
                    2004 Renee Zellweger (Cold Mountain)
                    2003 Catherine Zeta-Jones (Chicago)
                    2002 Jennifer Connelly (A Beautiful Mind)
                    2001 Marcia Gay Harden (Pollock)
                    2000 Angelina Jolie (Girl, Interrupted)
                    1999 Judi Dench (Shakespeare in Love)
                    1998 Kim Basinger (L.A. Confidential)
                    1997 Juliette Binoche (The English Patient)
                    1996 Mira Sorvino (Mighty Aphrodite)
                    1995 Dianne Wiest (Bullets Over Broadway)
                    1994 Anna Paquin (The Piano)
                    1993 Marisa Tomei (My Cousin Vinny)
                    1992 Mercedes Ruehl (The Fisher King)
                    1991 Whoopi Goldberg (Ghost)
                    1990 Brenda Fricker (My Left Foot)
                    1989 Geena Davis (The Accidental Tourist)
                    1988 Olympia Dukakis (Moonstruck)
                    1987 Dianne Wiest (Hannah and Her Sisters)
                    1986 Anjelica Huston (Prizzi's Honor)
                    1985 Peggy Ashcroft (A Passage to India)
                    1984 Linda Hunt (The Year of Living Dangerously)
                    1983 Jessica Lange (Tootsie)
                    1982 Maureen Stapleton (Reds)
                    1981 Mary Steenburgen (Melvin and Howard)
                    1980 Meryl Streep (Kramer vs. Kramer)
                    1979 Maggie Smith (California Suite)
                    1978 Vanessa Redgrave (Julia)
                    1977 Beatrice Straight (Network)
                    1976 Lee Grant (Shampoo)
                    1975 Ingrid Bergman (Murder on the Orient Express)
                    1974 Tatum O'Neal (Paper Moon)
                    1973 Eileen Heckart (Butterflies Are Free)
                    1972 Cloris Leachman (The Last Picture Show)
                    1971 Helen Hayes (Airport)
                    1970 Goldie Hawn (Cactus Flower)
                    1969 Ruth Gordon (Rosemary's Baby)
                    1968 Estelle Parsons (Bonnie and Clyde)
                    1967 Sandy Dennis (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
                    1966 Shelley Winters (A Patch of Blue)
                    1965 Lila Kedrova (Zorba the Greek)
                    1964 Margaret Rutherford (The V.I.P.s)
                    1963 Patty Duke (The Miracle Worker)
                    1962 Rita Moreno (West Side Story)
                    1961 Shirley Jones (Elmer Gantry)
                    1960 Shelley Winters (The Diary of Anne Frank)
                    1959 Wendy Hiller (Separate Tables)
                    1958 Miyoshi Umeki (Sayonara)
                    1957 Dorothy Malone (Written on the Wind)
                    1956 Jo Van Fleet (East of Eden: Special Edition)
                    1955 Eva Marie Saint (On the Waterfront)
                    1954 Donna Reed (From Here to Eternity)
                    1953 Gloria Grahame (The Bad and the Beautiful)
                    1952 Kim Hunter (A Streetcar Named Desire)
                    1951 Josephine Hull (Harvey)
                    1950 Mercedes McCambridge (All the King's Men)
                    1949 Claire Trevor (Key Largo)
                    1948 Celeste Holm (Gentleman's Agreement)
                    1947 Anne Baxter (The Razor's Edge)
                    1946 Anne Revere (National Velvet)
                    1945 Ethel Barrymore (None but the Lonely Heart)
                    1944 Katina Paxinou (For Whom the Bell Tolls)
                    1943 Teresa Wright (Mrs. Miniver)
                    1942 Mary Astor (The Great Lie)
                    1941 Jane Darwell (The Grapes of Wrath)
                    1940 Hattie McDaniel (Gone with the Wind: Collector's Edition)
                    1939 Fay Bainter (Jezebel)
                    1938 Alice Brady (In Old Chicago)
                    1937 Gale Sondergaard (Anthony Adverse)


                    • delphin
                      Senior Member
                      • 27-12-2005
                      • 15279

                      Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

                      En İyi Görüntü yönetmeni Oscarı alanlar

                      2007 79. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Eugenio Caballero, Pilar Revuelta-Laberinto del Fauno, El

                      2006 78. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Dion Beebe - THE MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA

                      2005 77. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Robert Richardson - THE AVIATOR

                      2004 76. Akademi Ödülleri
                      MASTER AND COMMANDER: THE FAR SIDE OF THE WORLD - Russell Boyd

                      2003 75. Akademi Ödülleri
                      ROAD TO PERDITION - Conrad L. Hall

                      2002 74. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Andrew Lesnie - LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING

                      2001 73. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Peter Pau - CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON

                      2000 72. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Conrad L. Hall - AMERICAN BEAUTY

                      1999 71. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Janusz Kaminski - SAVING PRIVATE RYAN

                      1998 70. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Russell Carpenter - TITANIC

                      1997 69. Akademi Ödülleri
                      John Seale - THE ENGLISH PATIENT

                      1996 68. Akademi Ödülleri
                      John Toll - BRAVEHEART

                      1995 67. Akademi Ödülleri
                      John Toll - LEGENDS OF THE FALL

                      1994 66. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Janusz Kaminski - SCHINDLER'S LIST

                      1993 65. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Philippe Rousselot - A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT

                      1992 64. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Robert Richardson - JFK

                      1991 63. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Dean Semler - DANCES WITH WOLVES

                      1990 62. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Freddie Francis - GLORY

                      1989 61. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Peter Biziou - MISSISSIPPI BURNING

                      1988 60. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Vittorio Storaro - THE LAST EMPEROR

                      1987 59. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Chris Menges - THE MISSION

                      1986 58. Akademi Ödülleri
                      David Watkin - OUT OF AFRICA

                      1985 57. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Chris Menges - THE KILLING FIELDS

                      1984 56. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Sven Nykvist - FANNY & ALEXANDER

                      1983 55. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Billy Williams, Ronnie Taylor - GANDHI

                      1982 54. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Vittorio Storaro - REDS

                      1981 53. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Geoffrey Unsworth, Ghislain Cloquet - TESS

                      1980 52. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Vittorio Storaro - APOCALYPSE NOW

                      1979 51. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Nestor Almendros - DAYS OF HEAVEN

                      1978 50. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Vilmos Zsigmond - CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND

                      1977 49. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Haskell Wexler - BOUND FOR GLORY

                      1976 48. Akademi Ödülleri
                      John Alcott - BARRY LYNDON

                      1975 47. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Fred Koenekamp, Joseph Biroc - THE TOWERING INFERNO

                      1974 46. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Sven Nykvist - CRIES AND WHISPERS

                      1973 45. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Geoffrey Unsworth - CABARET

                      1972 44. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Oswald Morris - FIDDLER ON THE ROOF

                      1971 43. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Freddie Young - RYAN'S DAUGHTER

                      1970 42. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Conrad Hall - BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID

                      1969 41. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Pasqualino De Santis - ROMEO AND JULIET

                      1968 40. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Burnett Guffey - BONNIE AND CLYDE

                      1967 39. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Haskell Wexler - (Siyah/Beyaz) WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?
                      Ted Moore - (Renkli) A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS

                      1966 38. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Ernest Laszlo - (Siyah/Beyaz) SHIP OF FOOLS
                      Freddie Young - (Renkli) DOCTOR ZHIVAGO

                      1965 37. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Walter Lassally - (Siyah/Beyaz) ZORBA THE GREEK
                      Harry Stradling - (Renkli) MY FAIR LADY

                      1964 36. Akademi Ödülleri
                      James Wong Howe - (Siyah/Beyaz) HUD
                      Leon Shamroy - (Renkli) CLEOPATRA

                      1963 35. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Jean Bourgoin, Walter Wottitz - (Siyah/Beyaz) THE LONGEST DAY
                      Fred A. Young - (Renkli) LAWRENCE OF ARABIA

                      1962 34. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Eugen Shuftan - (Siyah/Beyaz) THE HUSTLER
                      Daniel L. Fapp - (Renkli) WEST SIDE STORY

                      1961 33. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Freddie Francis - (Siyah/Beyaz) SONS AND LOVERS
                      Russell Metty - (Renkli) SPARTACUS

                      1960 32. Akademi Ödülleri
                      William C. Mellor - (Siyah/Beyaz) THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK
                      Robert L. Surtees - (Renkli) BEN-HUR

                      1959 31. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Sam Leavitt - (Siyah/Beyaz) THE DEFIANT ONES
                      Joseph Ruttenberg - (Renkli) GIGI

                      1958 30. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Jack Hildyard - THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI

                      1957 29. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Joseph Ruttenberg - (Siyah/Beyaz) SOMEBODY UP THERE LIKES ME
                      Lionel Lindon - (Renkli) AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS

                      1956 28. Akademi Ödülleri
                      James Wong Howe - (Siyah/Beyaz) THE ROSE TATTOO
                      Robert Burks - (Renkli) TO CATCH A THIEF

                      1955 27. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Boris Kaufman - (Siyah/Beyaz) ON THE WATERFRONT
                      Milton Krasner - (Renkli) THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN

                      1954 26. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Burnett Guffey - (Siyah/Beyaz) FROM HERE TO ETERNITY
                      Loyal Griggs - (Renkli) SHANE

                      1953 25. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Robert Surtees - (Siyah/Beyaz) THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL
                      Winton C. Hoch, Archie Stout - (Renkli) THE QUIET MAN

                      1952 24. Akademi Ödülleri
                      William C. Mellor - (Siyah/Beyaz) A PLACE IN THE SUN
                      Alfred Gilks, John Alton - (Renkli) AN AMERICAN IN PARIS

                      1951 23. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Robert Krasker - (Siyah/Beyaz) THE THIRD MAN
                      Robert Surtees - (Renkli) KING SOLOMON'S MINES

                      1950 22. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Paul C. Vogel - (Siyah/Beyaz) BATTLEGROUND
                      Winton Hoch - (Renkli) SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON

                      1949 21. Akademi Ödülleri
                      William Daniels - (Siyah/Beyaz) THE NAKED CITY
                      Joseph Valentine, William V. Skall, Winton Hoch - (Renkli) JOAN OF ARC

                      1948 20. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Guy Green - (Siyah/Beyaz) GREAT EXPECTATIONS
                      Jack Cardiff - (Renkli) BLACK NARCISSUS

                      1947 19. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Arthur Miller - (Siyah/Beyaz) ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM
                      Charles Rosher, Leonard Smith, Arthur Arling - (Renkli) THE YEARLING

                      1946 18. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Harry Stradling - (Siyah/Beyaz) THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY
                      Leon Shamroy - (Renkli) LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN

                      1945 17. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Joseph LaShelle - (Siyah/Beyaz) LAURA
                      Leon Shamroy - (Renkli) WILSON

                      1944 16. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Arthur Miller - (Siyah/Beyaz) THE SONG OF BERNADETTE
                      Hal Mohr, W. Howard Greene - (Renkli) PHANTOM OF THE OPERA

                      1943 15. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Joseph Ruttenberg - (Siyah/Beyaz) MRS. MINIVER
                      Leon Shamroy - (Renkli) THE BLACK SWAN

                      1942 14. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Arthur Miller - (Siyah/Beyaz) HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY
                      Ernest Palmer, Ray Rennahan - (Renkli) BLOOD AND SAND

                      1941 13. Akademi Ödülleri
                      George Barnes - (Siyah/Beyaz) REBECCA
                      Georges Perinal - (Renkli) THE THIEF OF BAGDAD

                      1940 12. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Gregg Toland - (Siyah/Beyaz) WUTHERING HEIGHTS
                      Ernest Haller, Ray Rennahan - (Renkli) GONE WITH THE WIND

                      1939 11. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Joseph Ruttenberg - THE GREAT WALTZ

                      1938 10. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Karl Freund - THE GOOD EARTH

                      1937 9. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Gaetano Gaudio - ANTHONY ADVERSE

                      1936 8. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Hal Mohr - A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM

                      1935 7. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Victor Milner - CLEOPATRA

                      1934 6. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Charles Bryant Lang, Jr. - A FAREWELL TO ARMS

                      1933 5. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Lee Garmes - SHANGHAI EXPRESS

                      1932 4. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Floyd Crosby - TABU

                      1931 3. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Joseph T. Rucker, Willard Van Der Veer - WITH BYRD AT THE SOUTH POLE

                      1930 2. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Clyde De Vinna - WHITE SHADOWS IN THE SOUTH SEAS

                      1929 1. Akademi Ödülleri
                      Charles Rosher, Karl Struss - SUNRISE


                      • delphin
                        Senior Member
                        • 27-12-2005
                        • 15279

                        Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

                        En Çok Oscar Adaylıgı Kazananlar

                        14 NOMINATIONS
                        All about Eve, 20th Century-Fox, 1950 (6 awards)
                        Titanic, 20th Century Fox and Paramount, 1997 (11 awards)

                        13 NOMINATIONS
                        Gone with the Wind, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1939 (8 awards, plus one Special and one Sci/Tech awards)
                        From Here to Eternity, Columbia, 1953 (8 awards)
                        Mary Poppins, Buena Vista Distribution Company, 1964 (5 awards)
                        Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Warner Bros., 1966 (5 awards)
                        Forrest Gump, Paramount, 1994 (6 awards)
                        Shakespeare in Love, Miramax, 1998 (7 awards)
                        The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, New Line, 2001 (4 awards)
                        Chicago, Miramax, 2002 (6 awards)

                        12 NOMINATIONS
                        Mrs. Miniver, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1942 (6 awards)
                        The Song of Bernadette, 20th Century-Fox, 1943 (4 awards)
                        Johnny Belinda, Warner Bros., 1948 (1 award)
                        A Streetcar Named Desire, Warner Bros., 1951 (4 awards)
                        On the Waterfront, Columbia, 1954 (8 awards)
                        Ben-Hur, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1959 (11 awards)
                        Becket, Paramount, 1964 (1 award)
                        My Fair Lady, Warner Bros., 1964 (8 awards)
                        Reds, Paramount, 1981 (3 awards)
                        Dances With Wolves, Orion, 1990 (7 awards)
                        Schindler's List, Universal, 1993 (7 awards)
                        The English Patient, Miramax, 1996 (9 awards)
                        Gladiator, DreamWorks and Universal, 2000 (5 awards)

                        11 NOMINATIONS
                        Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Columbia, 1939 (1 award)
                        Rebecca, United Artists, 1940 (2 awards)
                        Sergeant York, Warner Bros., 1941 (2 awards)
                        Pride of the Yankees, RKO Radio, 1942 (1 award)
                        Sunset Boulevard, Paramount, 1950 (3 awards)
                        Judgment at Nuremberg, United Artists, 1961 (2 awards)
                        West Side Story, United Artists, 1961 (10 awards)
                        Oliver!, Columbia, 1968 (5 awards, plus 1 Honorary award)
                        Chinatown, Paramount, 1974 (1 award)
                        The Godfather Part II, Paramount, 1974 (6 awards)
                        Julia, 20th Century-Fox, 1977 (3 awards)
                        The Turning Point, 20th Century-Fox, 1977 (0 awards)
                        Gandhi, Columbia, 1982 (8 awards)
                        Terms of Endearment, Paramount, 1983 (5 awards)
                        Amadeus, Orion, 1984 (8 awards)
                        A Passage to India, Columbia, 1984 (2 awards)
                        The Color Purple, Warner Bros., 1985 (0 awards)
                        Out of Africa, Universal, 1985 (7 awards)
                        Saving Private Ryan, DreamWorks/Paramount, 1998 (5 awards)
                        The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, New Line, 2003 (11 awards)
                        The Aviator, Miramax, Initial Entertainment Group and Warner Bros., 2004 (5 awards)

                        10 NOMINATIONS
                        The Life of Emile Zola, Warner Bros., 1937 (3 awards)
                        How Green Was My Valley, 20th Century-Fox, 1941 (5 awards)
                        Going My Way, Paramount, 1944 (7 awards)
                        Wilson, 20th Century-Fox, 1944 (5 awards)
                        Roman Holiday, Paramount, 1953 (3 awards)
                        Giant, Warner Bros., 1956 (1 award)
                        Sayonara, Warner Bros., 1957 (4 awards)
                        The Apartment, United Artists, 1960 (5 awards)
                        Lawrence of Arabia, Columbia, 1962 (7 awards)
                        Tom Jones, United Artists, 1963 (4 awards)
                        Doctor Zhivago, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965 (5 awards)
                        The Sound of Music, 20th Century-Fox, 1965 (5 awards)
                        Bonnie and Clyde, Warner Bros.-Seven Arts, 1967 (2 awards)
                        Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Columbia, 1967 (2 awards)
                        Anne of the Thousand Days, Universal, 1969 (1 award)
                        Airport, Universal, 1970 (1 award)
                        Patton, 20th Century-Fox, 1970 (7 awards)
                        Cabaret, Allied Artists, 1972 (8 awards)
                        The Godfather, Paramount, 1972 (3 awards)
                        The Exorcist, Warner Bros., 1973 (2 awards)
                        The Sting, Universal, 1973 (7 awards)
                        Network, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists, 1976 (4 awards)
                        Rocky, United Artists, 1976 (3 awards)
                        Star Wars, 20th Century-Fox, 1977 (6 awards, plus 1 Special Achievement award)
                        On Golden Pond, Universal, 1981 (3 awards)
                        Tootsie, Columbia, 1982 (1 award)
                        Bugsy, TriStar, 1991 (2 awards)
                        Braveheart, Paramount, 1995 (5 awards)
                        Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Sony Pictures Classics, 2000 (4 awards)
                        Gangs of New York, Miramax, 2002 (0 awards)
                        Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, 20th Century Fox, 2003 (2 awards)


                        • delphin
                          Senior Member
                          • 27-12-2005
                          • 15279

                          Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

                          En Çok Adaylık Kazanan oyuncular

                          13 Meryl Streep [2]
                          12 Katharine Hepburn [4]
                          12 Jack Nicholson [3]
                          10 Bette Davis [2]
                          10 Laurence Olivier [1]
                          9 Paul Newman [1]
                          9 Spencer Tracy [2]
                          8 Marlon Brando [2]
                          8 Jack Lemmon [2]
                          8 Al Pacino [1]
                          8 Geraldine Page [1]
                          7 Ingrid Bergman [3]
                          7 Richard Burton 0
                          7 Jane Fonda [2]
                          7 Greer Garson [1]
                          7 Dustin Hoffman [2]
                          7 Peter O'Toole 0
                          6 Ellen Burstyn [1]
                          6 Michael Caine [2]
                          6 Robert De Niro [2]
                          6 Robert Duvall [1]
                          6 Deborah Kerr 0
                          6 Jessica Lange [2]
                          6 Vanessa Redgrave [1]
                          6 Thelma Ritter 0
                          6 Maggie Smith [2]
                          6 Sissy Spacek [1]
                          5 Anne Bancroft [1]
                          5 Glenn Close 0
                          5 Gary Cooper [2]
                          5 Olivia de Havilland [2]
                          5 Judi Dench [1]
                          5 Irene Dunne 0
                          5 Albert Finney 0
                          5 Gene Hackman [2]
                          5 Tom Hanks [2]
                          5 Susan Hayward [1]
                          5 Audrey Hepburn [1]
                          5 Jennifer Jones [1]
                          5 Arthur Kennedy 0
                          5 Shirley MacLaine [1]
                          5 Fredric March [2]
                          5 Gregory Peck [1]
                          5 Susan Sarandon [1]
                          5 Norma Shearer [1]
                          5 James Stewart [1]
                          5 Elizabeth Taylor [2]
                          5 Denzel Washington [2]


                          • delphin
                            Senior Member
                            • 27-12-2005
                            • 15279

                            Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

                            En Çok Oscar Kazanan Oyuncular

                            4 Awards
                            Katharine Hepburn -- Actress (1932/33) (1967) (1968) (1981) [12]

                            3 Awards
                            Ingrid Bergman -- Actress (1944) (1956); Supporting Actress (1974) [7]
                            Walter Brennan -- Supporting Actor (1936) (1938) (1940) [4]
                            Jack Nicholson -- Actor (1975) (1997); Supporting Actor (1983) [12]

                            2 Awards
                            Marlon Brando -- Actor (1954) (1972) [8]
                            Michael Caine -- Supporting Actor (1986) (1999) [6]
                            Gary Cooper -- Actor (1941) (1952) (also Honorary Award - 1960) [5]
                            Bette Davis -- Actress (1935) (1938) [10]
                            Olivia de Havilland -- Actress (1946) (1949) [5]
                            Robert De Niro -- Supporting Actor (1974); Actor (1980) [6]
                            Melvyn Douglas -- Supporting Actor (1963) (1979) [3]
                            Sally Field -- Actress (1979) (1984) [2]*
                            Jane Fonda -- Actress (1971) (1978) [7]
                            Jodie Foster -- Actress (1988) (1991) [4]
                            Gene Hackman -- Actor (1971); Supporting Actor (1992) [5]
                            Tom Hanks -- Actor (1993) (1994) [5]
                            Helen Hayes -- Actress (1931/32); Supporting Actress (1970) [2]*
                            Dustin Hoffman -- Actor (1979) (1988) [7]
                            Glenda Jackson -- Actress (1970) (1973) [4]
                            Jessica Lange -- Supporting Actress (1982); Actress (1994) [6]
                            Vivien Leigh -- Actress (1939) (1951) [2]*
                            Jack Lemmon -- Supporting Actor (1955); Actor (1973) [8]
                            Fredric March -- Actor (1931/32) (1946) [5]
                            Anthony Quinn -- Supporting Actor (1952) (1956) [4]
                            Luise Rainer -- Actress (1936) (1937) [2]*
                            Jason Robards -- Supporting Actor (1976) (1977) [3]
                            Maggie Smith -- Actress (1969); Supporting Actress (1978) [6]
                            Kevin Spacey -- Supporting Actor (1995); Actor (1999) [2]*
                            Meryl Streep -- Supporting Actress (1979); Actress (1982) [13]
                            Hilary Swank -- Actress (1999) (2004) [2]*
                            Elizabeth Taylor -- Actress (1960) (1966) [5]
                            Spencer Tracy -- Actor (1937) (1938) [9]
                            Peter Ustinov -- Supporting Actor (1960) (1964) [3] (plus 1 writing nomination)
                            Denzel Washington -- Supporting Actor (1989); Actor (2001) [5]
                            Dianne Wiest -- Supporting Actress (1986) (1994) [3]
                            Shelley Winters -- Supporting Actress (1959) (1965) [4]


                            • delphin
                              Senior Member
                              • 27-12-2005
                              • 15279

                              Konu: Oscar Tarihi ve Kazananlar Listesi

                              En İyi Erkek Oyuncu Dalında En Yaşlı Oscar Adayları Erkek

                              79 years, 167 days. Richard Farnsworth, The Straight Story (1999)
                              [September 1, 1920 February 15, 2000]
                              76 years, 271 days. *Henry Fonda, On Golden Pond (1981)
                              [May 16, 1905 February 11, 1982]
                              74 years, 239 days. Clint Eastwood, Million Dollar Baby (2004)
                              [May 31, 1930 January 25, 2005]
                              71 years, 274 days. Laurence Olivier, The Boys from Brazil (1978)
                              [May 22, 1907 February 20, 1979]
                              70 years, 19 days. Paul Newman, Nobody's Fool (1994)
                              [January 26, 1925 February 14, 1995]
                              69 years, 334 days. Michael Caine, The Quiet American (2002)
                              [March 14, 1933 February 11, 2003]
                              69 years, 323 days. Melvyn Douglas, I Never Sang for My Father (1970)
                              [April 5, 1901 February 22, 1971]
                              68 years, 101 days. Burt Lancaster, Atlantic City (1981)
                              [November 2, 1913 February 11, 1982]
                              67 years, 320 days. Spencer Tracy, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)
                              [April 5, 1900 February 19, 1968] (he died June 10, 1967)
                              67 years, 36 days. Robert Duvall, The Apostle (1997)
                              [January 5, 1931 February 10, 1998]


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