arkadaşlar sanırım artık 10000 li serilere yurt dışındada tps yazılım desteği kesildi anladığım kadarıyla yabacı dili iyi olan birisi şu yazılanları bir çevirirse açıklığa kavuşmuş olacak inşallah yanılıyorumdur.
good bye neotionbox
regardless the decision made by testi,
I wish to use this opportunity and express once more my thankfulness to testi and emphasize that his great work had made it possible for all neo users to enjoy their boxes truly throughout the years...
indeed do not want to debate any reasons that implicated this kind of decision.
in the end, as the saying goes.. "nothing last forever"
thanks testi for all your work &
adios neotionbox
good bye neotionbox
regardless the decision made by testi,
I wish to use this opportunity and express once more my thankfulness to testi and emphasize that his great work had made it possible for all neo users to enjoy their boxes truly throughout the years...
indeed do not want to debate any reasons that implicated this kind of decision.
in the end, as the saying goes.. "nothing last forever"
thanks testi for all your work &
adios neotionbox
