Bina duvarıyla uyumlu çanak anten; Sqish

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  • Kadim
    Senior Member

    • 30-01-2004
    • 4782


    Bina duvarıyla uyumlu çanak anten; Sqish

    UK company Sqish has a self-titled product that is a rectangular satellite dish that they can camouflage for you by taking a picture of the background that the dish will sit in front of and then applying that picture to the front of the dish.
    Now the dish isn’t actually a dish at all, but a flat rectangular box. It doesn’t look square to me, but I suppose “Sqish” sounded better than “Rish”
    It’s funny how times change. Where I grew up, the folks with money to spare mounted huge 30′ foot satellite dishes on 20′ platforms. You couldn’t miss them - they were visible from very far away. You always knew how had $ by whether or not they had a dish in their backyard. Now that everyone has one, they don’t ‘look’ so good any more.
  • Markus_Schulz
    • 16-10-2005
    • 854

    Konu: Bina duvarıyla uyumlu çanak anten; Sqish

    bence çok uyumlu ve güzel olmus eline sağlık paylaşım için ..


    • ha-ka-79
      Junior Member
      • 24-01-2007
      • 78

      Konu: Bina duvarıyla uyumlu çanak anten; Sqish

      tşk güzel paylaşım


        Diamond Group

        • 01-04-2004
        • 19785

        Konu: Bina duvarıyla uyumlu çanak anten; Sqish

        oooo bizdede varki duvara uyumlu antenler

        "kirliliktz" buradan bakabilirsiniz.


        • stone_heart19
          Burada Herkes Eþittir

          • 25-01-2004
          • 6468

          Konu: Bina duvarıyla uyumlu çanak anten; Sqish

          Yaw bu resim sanki Mecidiyeköyün altındaki dereden bir yeri hatırlatıyor bana yanılıyormuyum yoksa?


          • alýdag
            • 26-08-2004
            • 733

            Konu: Bina duvarıyla uyumlu çanak anten; Sqish

            evet bunlar baya uyumlu muauauauauauaauaua....!!!!!


            • portulu
              Junior Member
              • 18-07-2006
              • 92

              Konu: Bina duvarıyla uyumlu çanak anten; Sqish

              varda onlar biraz pahalı
              Arçelikte görmüştüm ieterseniz oraya bakın


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