NOKİA V5.27.0 yükleme talimatı(ENG)

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  • AbdullahMORCOL
    • 14-01-2005
    • 746


    NOKİA V5.27.0 yükleme talimatı(ENG)


    Buki kardeş bu firmwareyi telefona nasıl yüklyebiliriz bizi aydınlatacak biri yokmu.stupidprv

    NHL-10 Phone Data Package v.5.27.0 Installation
    NOTE !!! You MUST use Phoenix release 2004.16.4.47 or newer. See Technical bulletin for more
    detailed information on user settings handling with Phoenix v.2004.16.4.47 !!!

    Note! If some earlier version of NHL-10 Phone Data Package is already installed,
    it must be uninstalled first. Close Phoenix before starting uninstallation
    or installation of Data Package. Go to Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel,
    then uninstall NHL-10 Phone Data Package.

    Note! In some cases call logs might be empty after this SW update.


    - Phoenix Release 2004.16.4.47 or newer
    - Save Settings feature must be DISABLED in FPS-8Flash (parameters menu) before flashing
    - When updating Software from MCU 4.09.1 you need to do the backup/restore/format manually

    This installation package includes:
    - MCU software release 5.27.0
    - Variant packages (PPM) for MCU software 5.27.0 for following variants:

    * Alps
    * Arabic
    * Benelux1
    * Brazil
    * Bulgaria
    * CIS
    * Croatia_Slovenia
    * Czech&Slovakia
    * Estonia
    * EuroA
    * France
    * Ger_Tur
    * Greece
    * Hebrew
    * Hungary
    * Iceland
    * Italy
    * Latvia
    * Lithuania
    * Poland
    * Portugal
    * Romania
    * Ru_Ua
    * Scandinavia1
    * Scandinavia2
    * Serbia
    * Spain
    * Swisscom
    * Switzerland
    * Turkey

    - NHL_10.ini file, that includes
    - options used in flashing
    - list of settings that can be saved from customer's phone when
    updating software
    - <product code>.ini files, that define
    - names of flash files
    - variant packages (language packages and EPOC settings) that belong to each product
    - default settings for each product
    - SW setting files (Product profiles)
    - User interface configuration file for Product Profile tool (nhl10.ppu )
    - Label printing files (600dpi only)
    - NHL-10.val includes product type specific module information for Faultlogger
    - autotune_NHL-10.ini allows user to align product's RF part automatically
    - nhl_10_tunings.ini that specifies some TX Power Level tuning targets for NHL-10
    - readme_EUR.txt (this file)

    Date: 30-June-2004

    Copyright © Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Son düzenleme AbdullahMORCOL; 23-01-2005, 20:33.
  • AbdullahMORCOL
    • 14-01-2005
    • 746

    Konu: NOKİA V5.27.0 yükleme talimatı(ENG)

    Arkadaşlar yardım edecek birisi yoq mu Telefonumun versiyonu V 4.09.1 ben bunu v5.27.0 yapmaq istiyorum yardımlarınız için şimdiden tşk.


    • bybuki
      Seni unutmayacagým

      • 26-01-2004
      • 4684

      Konu: NOKİA V5.27.0 yükleme talimatı(ENG)

      telefonun versiyonu yükseltmek istiyorsan oncelikle elinde ozel boxlar lazım prodigy -ufs3-n-box-twister-grifin gibi ozel boxlar lazım bunun haricinde data kablo kızıl otesi bluetooth gibi cihazlarla versiyon yükseltme yapamazsın


      • sabanakyuz
        Junior Member
        • 21-06-2004
        • 90

        Konu: NOKİA V5.27.0 yükleme talimatı(ENG)

        kardeşler 5,27 yükletim ama bir özellik bulamadım yardımcı olurmusunuz ne özellik var


        • bybuki
          Seni unutmayacagým

          • 26-01-2004
          • 4684

          Konu: NOKİA V5.27.0 yükleme talimatı(ENG)

          en azından acılış sesi düzeltilmiş program yüklerken sorun yaşamazsın telefonun en azından kendine gelmiştir extra bir ozelligi yok


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