8 Uydu Sistem

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  • ybæl©ik

    • 25-01-2003
    • 30775


    8 Uydu Sistem

    P.168 (S8/1PCN-3)

    8in/1out switch designed for direct connection of up to 8 SAT IF inputs to one receiver. Inputs are selected by DiSEqC 1.2 command "Goto nn" (6B), or by protocol DiSEqC 1.1. Inputs 1 to 4 are selectable also by command "Write NO" (38), which makes the unit compatible with standard DiSEqC 4-input switching.
    The unit is equipped with one of two software versions, V1 and V2. The difference between them lies in the way how DiSEqC 1.1 control is implemented. If You plan to use the switch in DiSEqC 1.1 mode, You must choose which version fits better to Your configuration. Please see "Receivers setting" section bellow for detailed information.

    P.168 Installation Instructions

    1. Connection of cables
    The switch P.168 includes 8 input connectors and 1 output connector. Coaxial cables from particular LNBs (satellite converters) shall be connected to input connectors (INP1 to INP8). It is advisable to note down assignment of the inputs. The output connector (OUT) shall be interconnected through a coaxial cable with a satellite receiver.
    For a long-lasting operation of the switch it is advisable to use high-quality coaxial cables designed for frequencies up to approx. 2 GHz.

    2. Receivers setting
    The receiver setting method differs depending on the control mode of the system, and on the DiSEqC protocol version supported by the receiver.

    A/ Setting according to DiSEqC 1.1 protocol

    If a receiver supports DiSEqC 1.1 protocol, set correct data in the fields for "committed switch (DiSEqC)" and "uncommitted switch" for each of the connected LNBs in the configuration menu. Please choose one of the following tables according to the sticker on Your switch: if the first input (INP 1) is labeled "com A, uncom A", follow Table 1. If the first input (INP 1) is labeled "uncommitted switch 1", use instead Table 2.

    Table 1:

    Sat System A: - committed A (1) - uncommitted A (1)
    Sat System B: - committed B (2) - uncommitted A (1)
    Sat System C: - committed C (3) - uncommitted A (1)
    Sat System D: - committed D (4) - uncommitted A (1)
    Sat System E: - committed A (1) - uncommitted B (2)
    Sat System F: - committed B (2) - uncommitted B (2)
    Sat System G: - committed C (3) - uncommitted B (2)
    Sat System H: - committed D (4) - uncommitted B (2)

    Table 2:

    Sat System A: - committed none - uncommitted (1)
    Sat System B: - committed none - uncommitted (2)
    Sat System C: - committed none - uncommitted (3)
    Sat System D: - committed none - uncommitted (4)
    Sat System E: - committed none - uncommitted (5)
    Sat System F: - committed none - uncommitted (6)
    Sat System G: - committed none - uncommitted (7)
    Sat System H: - committed none - uncommitted (8)

    B/ Setting according to DiSEqC 1.2 protocol

    If a receiver does not support DiSEqC 1.1 version, but supports DiSEqC 1.2, receiver setting shall be carried out as if it has a DiSEqC motor. One of the satellites to be received shall be selected along with continuous holding of the push-button for motor rotation depressed (East or West) until the signal of respective satellite appears in a sufficient intensity and quality. Then stop the rotation immediately and save the found position. Repeat the search for all connected LNBs (all inputs)
    C/ Setting according to DiSEqC 1.0 protocol

    If a receiver only supports the basic version of DiSEqC standard, i.e. 1.0, then it is only possible to select the first four Sat Systems of the unit (Sat System A to Sat System D). In this case the receiver shall be set in the same way as for a common four-input DiSEqC relay, i.e. one of positions A, B, C, D, (1 to 4) shall be defined for each connected LNB.

    Note: The configuration procedures for particular receivers can differ. The instructions included in the operating manual of a receiver shall be followed. Dreambox users can find detailed instructions in our download page.

    3. Known compatibility issues

    Dreambox DM7025, DM800

    Switches manufactured before 6/2008: While switching, suspected short interrupts of LNB power cause reset of the switch and loss of reception. Switches are adapted since June 2008, older products can be modified in the factory (charged service), or by qualified user (instructions will be sent upon request).

    Technisat Digit C (may apply also to other Technisat models)

    DiSEqC 1.2: Idle time gap is inserted by the receiver while switching to other LNB. This prolonges switching time. (DiSEqC 1.1 is not supported by the receiver.)

    Lemon 042 CI (may apply also to other Lemon models)

    DiSEqC 1.2: After power-on the switch is not initialized by receiver. The switch stucks on input 1 until other satellite is required by the receiver. (DiSEqC 1.1 is not supported by the receiver.)

    Ekli Dosyalar
  • ybæl©ik

    • 25-01-2003
    • 30775

    Konu: 8 Uydu Sistem

    P.180-A (C3/3PNP-1)

    Double terr. and SAT combiner in cascadable version, TV pass trough version.

    Ekli Dosyalar


    • ybæl©ik

      • 25-01-2003
      • 30775

      Konu: 8 Uydu Sistem

      P.180-B (C3/2PNP-1)

      The same as P.180-A, termination version .

      Ekli Dosyalar


      • 06mozcan
        Junior Member
        • 09-08-2006
        • 157

        Konu: 8 Uydu Sistem

        İh möhte
        Sulu köfte
        Herkes sular seller gibi almanca biliyor ya!!! Çok iyi anlaşıldı :(
        Türkçe versiyonu varsa bir zahmet


        • varedero
          • 23-12-2005
          • 501

          Konu: 8 Uydu Sistem

          8 li dayzek AltDvb ile çalışırmı?


          • adnan sonugür
            Junior Member
            • 03-12-2005
            • 3

            Konu: 8 Uydu Sistem

            arkadaşlar bende 2 tane 4lü dayzek var bunları birleştiren 012 çıkşlı biride cihaza giriş ben bunları birinci dayzekteki olan uyduları tanıttım türksat hotbirt sirus thor 2 dayzekteki takılı olan uydu astra 2dayzekteki uyduyu beceremedim birici dayzekte sinyal var 2 dayzekte sinyal yok ne yapmam lazım 2 dayzeği 012 012 yaptım olmadı ne yapmam lazım nerde yalnış yapıyorum bilgisi olan arkadaştan yardımını bekliyorum ciahaz sunny 7010 dci stream yazılımı var şimdiden teşekkürler kolay gelsin


            • ybæl©ik

              • 25-01-2003
              • 30775

              Konu: 8 Uydu Sistem

              Originally posted by adnan sonugür
              arkadaşlar bende 2 tane 4lü dayzek var bunları birleştiren 012 çıkşlı biride cihaza giriş ben bunları birinci dayzekteki olan uyduları tanıttım türksat hotbirt sirus thor 2 dayzekteki takılı olan uydu astra 2dayzekteki uyduyu beceremedim birici dayzekte sinyal var 2 dayzekte sinyal yok ne yapmam lazım 2 dayzeği 012 012 yaptım olmadı ne yapmam lazım nerde yalnış yapıyorum bilgisi olan arkadaştan yardımını bekliyorum ciahaz sunny 7010 dci stream yazılımı var şimdiden teşekkürler kolay gelsin
              Diseqc/Lnb ayarları bölümünden 0/12 volt açık konuma getiriniz. Elinizdeki 0/12 swtich'in klavuzunda anlatılmış olması gerekir.


              • özkansak
                Junior Member
                • 12-10-2007
                • 18

                Konu: 8 Uydu Sistem

                İh möhte
                Sulu köfte
                Herkes sular seller gibi almanca biliyor ya!!! Çok iyi anlaşıldı :(
                Türkçe versiyonu varsa bir zahmet
                :D Yabancı dil ögerenecegiz fenamı olur.


                • ybæl©ik

                  • 25-01-2003
                  • 30775

                  Konu: 8 Uydu Sistem

                  Şekiller herşeyi anlatıyor ve kullanılan terimler evrensel zaten. Türkçesi olsaydı verilirdi ama Türkçeye çevirmek zaman alıcı bir iş. Bu arada dil öğrenmeye teşvik de ayrı bir konu tabi ki.


                  • abhishek0990
                    Junior Member
                    • 08-03-2013
                    • 2

                    nice information, thank you for sharing it.
                    gurgaon termite control service


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