Enigma2 Release 0.5.0: Flash and USB

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  • dispeçer

    • 18-02-2004
    • 6807


    Enigma2 Release 0.5.0: Flash and USB

    release 0.5.0:
    - fixed a bug on rebooting the system
    - better CI cams handling
    - support for upper and lower CI slots on the current live tuner, no more needs to put the cam only on the upper one
    - added new dvdplayer
    - support for timeshift
    - fixed alpha blending colour on images
    - updated e2 cvs to 30/05/2009
    - fixed fstab auto mounting for hdd
    - vsftpd log on file disabled by default
    - fixed a bit ***map for 250hd/200hd, audio subtitles now is mapped
    - added autoload of epg (using myepg now the file will be loaded automatically at enigma2 restarts)
    - some fixes on mediaplayer for some multimedia files
    - many fixes all around for better stability, now i think most part of drivers are done
    - updated arabic language

    I know there are still some bugs that sometimes break our balls too much, but i'm trying to solve all, just wait and hope
    the funniest thing is finding those bugs

    I would like to thank all people around Enigma2 for cuberevo, many teams are making really great stuff, i like how cuberevo
    community is going on, i think this is the spirit our box should be!
    I would like also to thank people making really great plugins, we will win all together!
    See you on next release.

    Son düzenleme dispeçer; 23-06-2009, 00:55.
  • maxsuma
    Junior Member
    • 21-03-2005
    • 168

    Konu: Enigma2 Release 0.5.0: Flash and USB

    motor usual olmadikdan sonra bir sey calismiyo motor ayarlarina girince hemen crash oluyo yazilimlar gittikce kotuye gidiyo iyilesecegine ne is cozemedim gitti


    • dispeçer

      • 18-02-2004
      • 6807

      Konu: Enigma2 Release 0.5.0: Flash and USB

      verilen imageler diğer cihaz imagelerinden editlenmiş yazılımlar firma tarafından düzgün bir enigma yaptırılmadıkça bu tür sorunlarla sürekli karşılaşacağız
      sağlam bir image yaptırsalar yada kodları public etselerde başkaları düzenlese

      kollu motor kullandığım için öyle bir sorunum yok cihazın görüntüsü güzel incubus iyi çalışıyor son verilen imageler takılma yapmıyor ama işin en kötü tarafı paylaşım yok ve E1/E2 kart okuyucular çalışmıyor
      sen genede amcama bi sor bakalım ne zaman düzelecek Enigma ve Cam olayı


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