Progdvb win98 de kurulum ağda paylaşım diseq seçimi vs...

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    • 22-02-2005
    • 1700


    Progdvb win98 de kurulum ağda paylaşım diseq seçimi vs...

    1. If you have new version of ProgDVB® , witch contain self-installing exe-module - just run Install.exe-file of this proggy. It will unpack and place all files into folder as you wish. Or if you have separated files - place exe-module of ProgDVB® in the same folder where all Files for ProgDVB® of this progyy are located. Make backup of previous channel's settings (from Channels folder) and Transponders-ini.
    2. This screen (empty window without channels) you can get after first time program's start :

    3. Go to the HARDWARE -> DiSEqC options and check all settings you will need (for example DiSEqC-None -> Eutelsat Sesat, W4 at LNB 1).

    4. And you will need to set LNB's settings:

    5. After that - go to the Channel list -> Channel search.

    You will need to wait few seconds (or minutes) then scanning is going on. Value of the found channels depends from Level and Quality. Because if the signal's level is low quality >50 - you can find only few channels from big list of channels available from the current transponder.

    6. Sometimes can happen - you did almost everything (you can see sound on FTA channels, but TV-Window still in black same as the second image). If so -you will need to change options in the Hardware -> Audio

    and Video -> Direct Draw and to mark Surface or Overlay.

    It is very important to use Overlay mode. Because if it is not used - pictures quality can be bad. But sometimes by hardware reasons it will work only in the Surface mode. And also sometimes you'll need to check out (or uncheck it) this settings: the BOB mode.

    7. If you made all steps correctly - you will get screen like this one

    Channels in FTA - are in GREEN.
    Scrambled channels are inRED.

    8. If you want to record your video on the HDD - you'll need to write manually the way where your files will be stored (for example C:\ProgDVB3.01t3\Record\ ). And also will be better to save video in the *.pva format (you will be able to use internal Player). Also you will need to install new codec for work with this option (and with Broadcast also).

    Sometimes (if you have no sound in the recorded file) - use SB card.

    9. Also for stable work of this program will be better to choose value of priority (for example - Normal ), and Plugin API - as 1.02 (MD8.2).

    10. For editing you will need to choose modes of the channels lists Dynamic or Favourites:

    11. User must understand the difference between Dynamic and Favourites lists of channels. The first list - you can't edit. The second list can be edited. After choosing your channels list as Favorites you will get the ability to edit Channel's Property by clicking on the left button of your mouse (take a look in the area #13).

    13. ProgDVB® software do support for Video-Broadcasting over Net by using TCP/IP protocol. For work with this option you'll need to go to Broadcast Menu and make current settings for Server's and Client's
    modes. Broadcasting in the
    Server's Mode will work only under Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

    14. ProgDVB® software do support for lot of different Plugins (for example EPG-plugin from Relict Marauder).

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