DM ye GBOX server adım adım anlatımı

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  • ozkandonmez

    • 30-12-2002
    • 47227

    DM ye GBOX server adım adım anlatımı

    Before I start to write the How to I decided to describe first the necessarily steps to build a gbox server. So don’t except How to with all Details. The questions about gbox server will show which details will be needed.
    1. Get the files

    2. Put the files in the right folders
    3. Make the needed configuration
    4. add and exchange dlines
    5. control your gbox
    6. possible errors and reasons
    1. First download all files from the following link
    2.Extract the files and you will see also the path where the files should be put
    //var/bin => gbox
    //var/keys => cwshare.cfg,gbox.cfg,softcam.cfg
    //var/script =>
    //var/tuxbox/plugins => egboxcenter.cfg,,gboxsuite.cfg,, gbv.cfg,gbv.ident,gbv.soGBOX_CFGIn your gbox_cfg file you have following lines
    Use a Ftp program to put the files in the folders. I prefer flashfxp. After you had put the files in the folders. Make CHMOD changes for the following files. You can make the CHMOD changes by using the right mouse button (FLASHFXP) on the file and selecting Attribute (CHMOD).
    //var/bin/gbox => CHMOD 755
    //var/keys => cwshare.cfg => 644
    //var/keys => gbox_cfg => 644
    //var/scripts => => 755
    3. Coniguration
    You must made only individual changes to cwshare.cfg and gbox_cfg
    This file is responsbile for communication between the peers.
    Following lines should be inside this files
    M: => Adress of your gbox
    I: => Configuration about till which distance cards you allows to get
    X: => Configuration abotu how many of the same card you allows to get
    D: => Communication line between the peers
    N: =>
    W: =>
    How should the lines be set:
    M: { { Password }}
    => Password: You can only use 0-9 and A-F for setting password. My suggestion is don’t use a very very easy password like 12345678 or AABBCCDD or ABCD1234, so a lot of people makes that and this can be a reason for an error, if you start the gbox. More details at the end.
    I: { 03 }
    This is the selected value most gbox user set for their I-Line. Because with this configuration you only accept cards till Dist3. Cards with Dist4 and Dist5 are not good for sharing and gettings keys. If you have later more peers you can set the value to 02.
    X: { 10 }
    This is a value should experiment a little bit which value is the best for your gbox server. As you know with this value you set a limit to the number of same cards. 0A, 10, 08 this are the most used values.
    N: { 00 01 03 3F 4000 6000 }
    I will write more details to this line. Use the N-Line given above ( its my N-Line)
    W: { 01 01 01 } 1FFF
    I will write more details to this line. Use the N-Line given above ( its my N-Line)
    This is the most importan Line
    D: { { Port1 Port2 { Password { A5 A5 }}}} => the dyndns of your share peer
    port1 => your port number using for gbox
    port2 => port number of you peer
    Password => password of your peer
    A5 A5 => Share Level for Local and Virtual Cards
    You will get this dline every time for your peer. So the only thing you had to do is, to put your port number instead of port1 and add it in your cwshare.cfg. The Dline you give to your peer is the the same but with your dyndns, password and your port number is port2.
    D: { { Port1 ownport { own password { A5 A5 }

    Z: { 01 12 } dream ip 8024
    G: { 03 }
    C: { 01 }
    M: { 01 }
    A: { 00 }
    U: { 01 }
    H: { 01 }
    T: { 00 }
    O: { 03 } dream ip
    L: { 00 } dream ip 8029
    W: { 00 00 } 9600
    V: { F0 35 } => configurations for reading slot and com-ports
    V: { F0 00 } nothing
    V: { F0 10 } slot 1
    V: { F0 20 } slot 2
    V: { F0 30 } both slots
    V: { F0 35 } both slots + com ports
    V: { F0 05 } only com ports
    V: { F0 31 } Sc8in1
    V: { 00 05 } Dbox2 multicam
    I will made later a detailed description for this file. The informations above are taken from my gbox_cfg
    4. Add and exchange Dlines
    After ending configuration you can now exchange dlines
    M: { { password }}
    # Internet Friends port range password cod
    I: { 2 }
    X: { 0A }
    N: { 00 01 03 3F 4000 6000 }
    W: { 01 01 01 } 1FFF
    D: { { yourport otherport { otherpassword { A5 A5 }}}}
    Be carefull if you add dlines it must the same like above. No more spaces or less spaces
    5. Control Gbox and peers
    Gbox Center and Gbox Suite are plugins to have Informations about your peers, Cards, Distance and Level Share and how many cards do you have for each provider
    You can access to this plugins
    Blue Panel => Plugins => Gbox Center or Gbox Suite
    6. Error and Reasons
    If your gbox is not working ( you will see it if you go to: Blue Panel => Plugins => Gbox Center => Gbox Share Center => Peer Status => Message that share is not found, check if gbox is running )
    Then check following
    1. Internet Connection
    2. Correct format of dlines ( Spaces, password (0-9,A-F) )
    3. Passwords of the dline ( so if two peers use the same password they will get the same Box ID and two same Box ID in one Gbox Server is not working)
    4. Some Cards needs special configuration to share them ( Sky Uk, Nova etc)
    I hope this How to will help a little bit. I will make in the next time screenshots and will give more datailed informations for some Lines.
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