2 ayrı DM için LAN ve WAN ayarları nasıl yapılır

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  • ozkandonmez

    • 30-12-2002
    • 47199


    2 ayrı DM için LAN ve WAN ayarları nasıl yapılır

    Türkçe açıklaması bilahare yapılacaktır.

    This guide its to help newbies to setup 2 boxes for Card Sharing in
    Lan or Wan.

    You need :

    2 dreamboxes ( of course)network conected
    1 Network cable

    a) If you connect the 2 boxes direct you need a cross network cable
    if you connect the to boxes in a hub with other network devices then you need straigth network cable
    (both of them easy to find in computer stores)
    ************************************************** ********
    Network setup:
    Go in dreambox setup-expert setup-network settings and put ip address (something like this)
    dreambox1 : ip
    gateway (ip address of the router)
    DNS (ip address of the router)
    If you dont have Internet connection leave Gateway and DNS blanc

    dreambox2 : ip
    gateway (ip address of the router)
    DNS (ip address of the router)
    If you dont have Internet connection leave Gateway and DNS blanc

    Check the enable Networking chekbox

    If you have a PC thats connect to internet (dialup or adsl) then you can put the pc's ip
    as Gateway and DNS server in both boxes to give them internet access

    If you have a router for the internet the ip of the 2 boxes MUST be in same
    network as your router.
    If the router's Ip address is then your boxes ips MUST be and
    If your router's IP address is then your boxes MUST be and

    Now your boxes are connected... and with internet access (if its present)
    ************************************************** ********
    EMU and CardSharing How to:

    Install in your boxes one of new images.
    I prefer PLi Diamod as gives you the choise to have separate server and client EMU.
    In this example we will use as cardserver EMU the NewCS and as client EMU Newcamd
    So download and install in the boxes the 2 EMUS (NewCS and Newcamd). If only 1 dreambox
    it will act as a server then in the second one you dont need to install NewCS, only NEwcamd

    Now we have to to configure the files for the sharing
    ************************************************** ********
    Server configuration of the file Newcs.xml (/var/tuxbox/config)
    (in the supplied zip there is a Newcs.xml file for this example)

    Open the file with a plain text editor (i use UltraEdit)

    Find the section <debug>
    and then <udp_host></udp_host>
    Here you put your server box ip

    Then find <udp_port>10000</udp_port>
    Here you put servers port

    Find the section <newcamdserver>
    and then the <name>testserver</name>
    Here you put the name of your server (testserver)
    Then find <deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>
    Here you put a login key for your users in this format
    Then find
    < user>
    < name>username1</name>
    < password>userpas1</password>
    < au>on</au>
    < spider>No</spider>
    < /user>
    and put user name and password for your users
    ************************************************** ******************************

    Server and client configuration of file Newcamd.conf (/var/tuxbox/config/newcamd)

    (in the supplied zip there is a Newcamd.conf file for this example)
    Open the file with a plain text editor

    Find the line:

    CWS = 10000 username1 userpas1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan testserver

    Line parts in plain English
    1) --- ip address of the server (dreambox acting as server)
    (the same as the one defined on newcs.xlm)
    2)10000 --- port of the server (the same as the one defined on newcs.xlm)
    3)username1 userpas1 --- username and pass of the client (the same as the one defined on newcs.xlm)
    4)01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 --- access code (the same as the one defined on newcs.xlm)
    5)lan -- leave this as lan
    6)cardserv - name of the cardsharing server (the same as the one defined on newcs.xlm)
    ************************************************** ******************************

    Entrys in newcs.xml must be the same in the newcamd.conf
    (ip addresses-servername-username-password-deskey)
    All this is case sensitive (username it is not the same with UserName)

    After saving transer the 2 files in your Dreambox and restart your boxes...
    In lan setups this is ready to work
    In wan setups you need a router or a dreambox plugin with DynamicDNS capabilities

    You are ready to CARDSHARE
    Üyelere Özel Konuları Görebilmek İçin Lütfen ÜYE GİRİŞİ Yapınız

    Yatırım, bilgi, yorum ve tavsiyeleri yatırım danışmanlığı kapsamında değildir. Yatırım danışmanlığı hizmeti, Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu tarafından yayımlanan Seri:V, No:52 Sayılı "Yatırım Danışmanlığı Faaliyetine ve Bu Faaliyette Bulunacak Kurumlara İlişkin Esaslar Hakkında Tebliğ" çerçevesinde aracı kurumlar, portföy yönetim şirketleri, mevduat kabul etmeyen bankalar ile müşteri arasında imzalanacak yatırım danışmanlığı sözleşmesi çevresinde sunulmaktadır.
    Burada ulaşılan sonuçlar tercih edilen hesaplama yöntemi ve/veya yorum ve tavsiyede bulunanların kişisel görüşlerine dayanmakta olup, mali durumunuz ile risk ve getiri tercihlerinize uygun olmayabileceğinden sadece burada yer alan bilgilere dayanılarak yatırım kararı verilmesi sağlıklı sonuçlar doğurmayabilir.
    Yatırımcıların verecekleri yatırım kararları ile bu sitede bulunan veriler, görüş ve bilgi arasında bir bağlantı kurulamayacağı gibi, söz konusu yorum/görüş/bilgilere dayanılarak alınacak kararların neticesinde oluşabilecek yanlışlık veya zararlardan www.ozmena.net web sitesi ve/veya yöneticileri sorumlu tutulmaz.


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