Amstrad 20100 20200 20300 HD yeni yazılım Neutrino bPanther

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  • ilginch
    Junior Member
    • 16-05-2004
    • 20

    Amstrad 20100 20200 20300 HD yeni yazılım Neutrino bPanther

    Neutrino BPanther rev3261 For All IPBox by ghani

    rev3105-> rev3261
    - (Rev3261) fix: dvb [COLOR=#0033FF !important]subtitle[/COLOR] - should now work on all trips
    - (Rev3245) Fritzbox call monitor script [COLOR=#0033FF !important]added[/COLOR] (tnx tango cash)
    - (Rev3245) NFS [COLOR=#0033FF !important]server[/COLOR] via a start / stop menu features added (tnx Wayne)
    - (Rev3242) netcat in BusyBox on (tango cash tnx)
    - (Rev3229) fix: dvb subtitles - but they only work at 720p
    - (Rev3229) fix: nfsd v3 (tnx DboxOldie)
    - (Rev3228) cat / proc / stb / video / videomode_choices now [COLOR=#0033FF !important]shows[/COLOR] all the possible video modes
    - (Rev3223), new Option (modules menu): NFSD (tnx DboxOldie Tango & Cash)
    - (Rev3223) minor adjustments wg. New Freetype
    - (Rev3197) Pingulux: fw_printenv now works (tnx j00zek)
    - (Rev3175) FreeType upgrade to 2.4.8 (also in the GIT from rev3175)
    - (Rev3175) Update to curl-7.23.1 (including the GIT from rev3175)
    - (Rev3172) UFS910: Kernel USB Flash and more adapted to each other
    - (Rev3152) Pingulux: emus now work (tnx Pinky)
    - (Rev3152) ffmpeg update to 0.8.7 (also in the GIT from rev3152)
    - (Rev3150) Boost update to 1.48.0 (also in the GIT from rev3152)
    - (Rev3150) fix: Not-Boot/Neutrino restart button with timeout (15 sec.)
    - (Rev3147/50) UFS912: "unknown ioctl 0x5305" turned off in the logs (in the GIT from rev3150)
    - (Rev3147) UFS912: / sbin / ifconfig lo up in rcS added to the lo device to bypass bug (tnx iXware)
    - (Rev3131) GIT update to ffmpeg 0.8.6 (tnx [COLOR=#0033FF !important]confetti[/COLOR])

    IMPORTANT for IP-BOX 9000HD:usually only one tuner supported by Neutrino.
    A tuner switch (NO multi-tuner operation!) but it is still possible in
    Service Menu-> Options-Zapit> Tuner Selection> 0 or 1
    Switching is currently only possible between SAT / SAT or SAT / cable DVB-T [COLOR=#0033FF !important]leads[/COLOR] to the crash of neutrino.
  • ozkandonmez

    • 30-12-2002
    • 47231

    Konu: Amstrad 20100 20200 20300 HD yeni yazılım Neutrino bPanther

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