OpenBox S10 HD PVR Review and Information China has been telling me about this new OpenBox S10 HD PVR for many months. It’s finally out, and after much thought we picked some up.
A limited number of S10’s arrived today. As this is a new product I spent a good amount of time testing each unit individually. Every piece performed the same and works well.
Let’s start at the beginning. These things are tiny…super tiny. I’ve never seen a STB so small before. It’s like “tiny pony” cute small. The gift/retail box of course is tiny too. It hinges at the bottom which is different than the S9. Right off the bat there is no mistaking this for a S9.
Inside the box is the STB wrapped in the static bag, the NEW remote, and power cord with the 120V adapter already attached. There are no batteries but I think we will include them. There is also no instruction manual. This is no big deal as most China manuals are all but worthless anyway. A small trifold sheet was included showing stuff about cardshare. Since this is of no value or use to us it is not included in our upcoming offering. It actually looks like it is from a S9 by the menus shown, not an S10.

Here is a picture to show how tiny the OpenBox S10 HD PVR is. The bottom unit is the AZ Premium HD+, the middle is an OpenBox S9, and on the top is the new OpenBox S10 HD PVR.

After unpacking the first unit I went right to testing. I was beaten to it. Each unit had prescanned channels in it from Asia, they had apparently tested each piece. The menu layout of the S10 is a bit different than the S9. Instead of the main menu items being vertical on the right, they are horizontal across the top. It took all of about 2 minutes to get used to this. Otherwise it functions just like a S9. The Ali 3602 chipset has the ability for the engineer to change the look and feel of the box, and that is all they did. Same trick that the so-called “Manhattan” is using to make it look like something new.
I tested USALS and DiseqC 1.2 motor controls. Like the S9, both are flawless. 22kHz and DiseqC switch settings also work fine. The signal meter appears to read and curve just like the S9. Ku and C-band on the small dish work just like the S9. The tuner is the same Sharp high sensitivity tuner, except that it is mounted on a module/board and can be replaced. I have yet to see a tuner fail in an OpenBox so this shouldn’t be necessary.
Blindscan functions similar to the S9 with the latest 0321 “greenfix” file. It is somewhat slower than earlier firmware, but it is accurate and still faster than a great many units out there. Like the S9, the OpenBox S10 HD PVR scans for DVB-S and DVB-S2 at the same time.
Remote control
The OpenBox S10 HD PVR is available with either the v3 or a new remote control. As much as I personally like the v3, it has caused many people issues with accidental pressing of the VFORMAT button and losing picture because it only cycles thru PAL modes. The latest remote that we received has a much smaller VFORMAT button that is harder to hit on accident. This is the smallest OpenBox remote control yet. It seems well built, button presses are good, and the range/angles are probably better than the v3. It has its own satlist button. The “zoom” button still activates the satlist just like on the v1, v2 and v3’s. The S10 also works with the v1, v2 and v3 remotes. The only downside I see to the new remote is some of the buttons are tiny. If you have chubby hands they might be a bit harder to hit. Personally I am not having issues other than learning the slightly different layout.
As for a name for this remote, I guess we can call it the v4. FridgeFTA/OpenBoxS9.us was the first in North America with the v3 remote and we are the ones that gave it the much copied “v3” designation. v4 works for me for the new one. LOL

The new “v4” remote is pictured on top, the v3 is in the middle, and the v1 is on the bottom. The “v4” is the smallest remote yet from OpenBox.
Hardware Changes
I don’t have to say how tiny the new OpenBox S10 HD PVR is. Other than the tiny design I observed the following changes:
* SCART has been eliminated. Unless you have an old EU analog TV or VCR, this is not used in North America.
* Video and audio output is simple now: HDMI or composite (analog 480i) output. There is no component (Y/Cb/Cr) outputs. There is also no S/PDIF output. Dolby/AC-3 is either thru HDMI or thru the RCA red & white jacks.
* Replaceable modules for HDMI and Tuner. I have yet to see a tuner fail on an OpenBox, but I did have a guy fry his HDMI port before.
* Smaller mainboard, power supply, ect. That is a given for the much tinier case size.
* 12V, 50mA power output. This is not an 0/12V switch which we could use. It appears to be a continuous 12VDC output. I see no legitimate use for this, but it is there.

I had to wonder about heat with everything being so tiny. The OpenBox S9 literally ran cold. I’ve had an OpenBox S10 HD PVR running for over an hour, C-band LNBF, switching, PVR/HDD. I’d say 250mA continuous. It is luke warm, that’s it.
As noted before, you get HDMI or analog composite. HDMI picture is just as good as the S9 or AZbox. HDMI modes are NTSC 480i/480p/720p and 1080i. EU PAL modes are also supported at 50HZ: 576i/576p/720p and 1080i.
Analog/composite supports 480i NTSC, 576i PAL, PAL-M and PAL-N or whatever those goofy modes are. All are tested and work with my NTSC/PAL TV.
The S10 does not appear to have the “green” tint issue observed with 480i analog on some NTSC TV’s with the older S9 files.
OpenBox S10 HD PVR Utilities and files
The S10 played my S9 PVR files perfectly and uses the same .dvr format. The PVR Tool, serial loader and Ali Editor all work with the S10. The OpenBox S10 also loaded my S9 TP_PROG.dbs file fine. The only thing I did not test was a full S9 to S10 firmware flash, I am not in the mood to fry a S10 on the first day.
You will see an OpenBox S10 HD PVR section here in the forums shortly. The utilities will be the same as our S9 stuff, just labeled S10 to avoid confusion.
Recommendation for S9 owners and guys that were going to buy the S9
Other than the tiny size, guys with the S9 are not missing anything. They did a “Manhattan” and changed the GUI, but function wise it is the same Ali technology. The real time clock still resets when rebooting and they have not yet put the H/V polarity scan back in the unit. S9 guys are fine with what you have.
If you were looking at an S9, buy the S10. It is the newest model and as such I would expect it will receive factory improvements first. Should anything go wrong, the replaceable modules should make repair and turnaround time faster. The wife might like the cute, tiny little box better too.
I have not weighed the S10 out yet, but it should ship a bit cheaper and therefore should be priced a bit better than the S9. In the USA this may not make a big difference, but for Canada and Mexico it could be huge.
The FridgeFTA Offering
I like the OpenBox S10 HD PVR enough that we are going to drop the S9. It is basically the same functions, only smaller, and I think we will get better factory support.
I will work on the final price but I’d like to see it a bit less than the S9. With the S10 we are going to bundle it a bit different. There won’t be “Lite” and “Premium” packages, everyone gets the good private file, access to the 91W/CW file, PVR Tool, PVR Suite, PRIVATE SUPPORT, ect. Just like we did with the S9, we’ll have a support site dedicated to the S10 but even easier to use. Remote control batteries will come standard. Unlike some other offerings with a worthless 3 foot HDMI cable, we’ll make our Premium 10 foot HDMI cable available bundled at an unbeatable price.
We also made a shipping improvement. Instead of jamming the S9 in a tight priority mail box, we have a custom heavy wall shipping box just for the OpenBox S10 HD PVR. We never had a shipping damage issue with the S9, but I feel the custom heavy box for the S10 is a nice touch and helps insure the unit arrives safely.

The OpenBox S10 HD PVR will be available for sale at New and Featured items « FridgeFTA Satellite Store later tonight or Saturday, April 30th. As this is a “new” product we have a very limited amount in stock. I would expect they will sell out fast. When they do, the store page will list them for pre-order which will be about a week out. If you want one I recommend acting fast. The S9 is hard enough for us to keep in stock, I expect the S10 to move even faster.
Almost forgot...OUR PRIVATE FILE. Our private firmware has been updated for more accurate USALS positioning, more transponders and up to date satellite names. Like our S9 private file, everything is tagged by both slot and current satellite name. This file has the most up to date satellite information available in a STB! I actually have to re-scan using this firmware as my own personal S9 file isn't as good.
I have an OpenBox S10 setup and am dinking with it. If there is something you want me to test or mess with, post in this thread. Happy to check it out further and answer questions.
”New” GUI
As noted before, the OpenBox engineer went in and changed the GUI, or as we say around here, “pulled a Manhattan”. It effectively functions like the S9 or a Traxis, just with horizontal layout for main item access instead of vertical. Looks fancy and new, but it is in all Ali 3602 based STB’s. Here are some screens…

1. Component Y/Pb/Pr video outputs.
2. Different layout for HDMI, USB, Ethernet.
3. Power switch now horizontal and relocated.
4. Tuner is now on the mainboard and is secured with nuts on the connectors.
5. Casing tolerances are much more tight.
6. LCD display is offset to the left a bit more. Panel is tinted darker like original version S10 so the LCD isn’t glaring bright.
7. Standby light is much bigger/brighter and can be seen from better angles.
8. Side screws added to the cover similar to S9.

9. Cover has different vent layout and less vents, probably better for dust. Bottom casing has many more vent holes for airflow.

10. New power supply.
11. New cleaner looking mainboard
12. New card reader board
13. I didn’t pull the front panel board but I assume it is also slightly different.
More inside pics:

OpenBox S10 HD PVR Review and Information China has been telling me about this new OpenBox S10 HD PVR for many months. It’s finally out, and after much thought we picked some up.
A limited number of S10’s arrived today. As this is a new product I spent a good amount of time testing each unit individually. Every piece performed the same and works well.
Let’s start at the beginning. These things are tiny…super tiny. I’ve never seen a STB so small before. It’s like “tiny pony” cute small. The gift/retail box of course is tiny too. It hinges at the bottom which is different than the S9. Right off the bat there is no mistaking this for a S9.
Inside the box is the STB wrapped in the static bag, the NEW remote, and power cord with the 120V adapter already attached. There are no batteries but I think we will include them. There is also no instruction manual. This is no big deal as most China manuals are all but worthless anyway. A small trifold sheet was included showing stuff about cardshare. Since this is of no value or use to us it is not included in our upcoming offering. It actually looks like it is from a S9 by the menus shown, not an S10.
Here is a picture to show how tiny the OpenBox S10 HD PVR is. The bottom unit is the AZ Premium HD+, the middle is an OpenBox S9, and on the top is the new OpenBox S10 HD PVR.
After unpacking the first unit I went right to testing. I was beaten to it. Each unit had prescanned channels in it from Asia, they had apparently tested each piece. The menu layout of the S10 is a bit different than the S9. Instead of the main menu items being vertical on the right, they are horizontal across the top. It took all of about 2 minutes to get used to this. Otherwise it functions just like a S9. The Ali 3602 chipset has the ability for the engineer to change the look and feel of the box, and that is all they did. Same trick that the so-called “Manhattan” is using to make it look like something new.
I tested USALS and DiseqC 1.2 motor controls. Like the S9, both are flawless. 22kHz and DiseqC switch settings also work fine. The signal meter appears to read and curve just like the S9. Ku and C-band on the small dish work just like the S9. The tuner is the same Sharp high sensitivity tuner, except that it is mounted on a module/board and can be replaced. I have yet to see a tuner fail in an OpenBox so this shouldn’t be necessary.
Blindscan functions similar to the S9 with the latest 0321 “greenfix” file. It is somewhat slower than earlier firmware, but it is accurate and still faster than a great many units out there. Like the S9, the OpenBox S10 HD PVR scans for DVB-S and DVB-S2 at the same time.
Remote control
The OpenBox S10 HD PVR is available with either the v3 or a new remote control. As much as I personally like the v3, it has caused many people issues with accidental pressing of the VFORMAT button and losing picture because it only cycles thru PAL modes. The latest remote that we received has a much smaller VFORMAT button that is harder to hit on accident. This is the smallest OpenBox remote control yet. It seems well built, button presses are good, and the range/angles are probably better than the v3. It has its own satlist button. The “zoom” button still activates the satlist just like on the v1, v2 and v3’s. The S10 also works with the v1, v2 and v3 remotes. The only downside I see to the new remote is some of the buttons are tiny. If you have chubby hands they might be a bit harder to hit. Personally I am not having issues other than learning the slightly different layout.
As for a name for this remote, I guess we can call it the v4. FridgeFTA/OpenBoxS9.us was the first in North America with the v3 remote and we are the ones that gave it the much copied “v3” designation. v4 works for me for the new one. LOL

The new “v4” remote is pictured on top, the v3 is in the middle, and the v1 is on the bottom. The “v4” is the smallest remote yet from OpenBox.
Hardware Changes
I don’t have to say how tiny the new OpenBox S10 HD PVR is. Other than the tiny design I observed the following changes:
* SCART has been eliminated. Unless you have an old EU analog TV or VCR, this is not used in North America.
* Video and audio output is simple now: HDMI or composite (analog 480i) output. There is no component (Y/Cb/Cr) outputs. There is also no S/PDIF output. Dolby/AC-3 is either thru HDMI or thru the RCA red & white jacks.
* Replaceable modules for HDMI and Tuner. I have yet to see a tuner fail on an OpenBox, but I did have a guy fry his HDMI port before.
* Smaller mainboard, power supply, ect. That is a given for the much tinier case size.
* 12V, 50mA power output. This is not an 0/12V switch which we could use. It appears to be a continuous 12VDC output. I see no legitimate use for this, but it is there.
I had to wonder about heat with everything being so tiny. The OpenBox S9 literally ran cold. I’ve had an OpenBox S10 HD PVR running for over an hour, C-band LNBF, switching, PVR/HDD. I’d say 250mA continuous. It is luke warm, that’s it.
As noted before, you get HDMI or analog composite. HDMI picture is just as good as the S9 or AZbox. HDMI modes are NTSC 480i/480p/720p and 1080i. EU PAL modes are also supported at 50HZ: 576i/576p/720p and 1080i.
Analog/composite supports 480i NTSC, 576i PAL, PAL-M and PAL-N or whatever those goofy modes are. All are tested and work with my NTSC/PAL TV.
The S10 does not appear to have the “green” tint issue observed with 480i analog on some NTSC TV’s with the older S9 files.
OpenBox S10 HD PVR Utilities and files
The S10 played my S9 PVR files perfectly and uses the same .dvr format. The PVR Tool, serial loader and Ali Editor all work with the S10. The OpenBox S10 also loaded my S9 TP_PROG.dbs file fine. The only thing I did not test was a full S9 to S10 firmware flash, I am not in the mood to fry a S10 on the first day.
You will see an OpenBox S10 HD PVR section here in the forums shortly. The utilities will be the same as our S9 stuff, just labeled S10 to avoid confusion.
Recommendation for S9 owners and guys that were going to buy the S9
Other than the tiny size, guys with the S9 are not missing anything. They did a “Manhattan” and changed the GUI, but function wise it is the same Ali technology. The real time clock still resets when rebooting and they have not yet put the H/V polarity scan back in the unit. S9 guys are fine with what you have.
If you were looking at an S9, buy the S10. It is the newest model and as such I would expect it will receive factory improvements first. Should anything go wrong, the replaceable modules should make repair and turnaround time faster. The wife might like the cute, tiny little box better too.
I have not weighed the S10 out yet, but it should ship a bit cheaper and therefore should be priced a bit better than the S9. In the USA this may not make a big difference, but for Canada and Mexico it could be huge.
The FridgeFTA Offering
I like the OpenBox S10 HD PVR enough that we are going to drop the S9. It is basically the same functions, only smaller, and I think we will get better factory support.
I will work on the final price but I’d like to see it a bit less than the S9. With the S10 we are going to bundle it a bit different. There won’t be “Lite” and “Premium” packages, everyone gets the good private file, access to the 91W/CW file, PVR Tool, PVR Suite, PRIVATE SUPPORT, ect. Just like we did with the S9, we’ll have a support site dedicated to the S10 but even easier to use. Remote control batteries will come standard. Unlike some other offerings with a worthless 3 foot HDMI cable, we’ll make our Premium 10 foot HDMI cable available bundled at an unbeatable price.
We also made a shipping improvement. Instead of jamming the S9 in a tight priority mail box, we have a custom heavy wall shipping box just for the OpenBox S10 HD PVR. We never had a shipping damage issue with the S9, but I feel the custom heavy box for the S10 is a nice touch and helps insure the unit arrives safely.
The OpenBox S10 HD PVR will be available for sale at New and Featured items « FridgeFTA Satellite Store later tonight or Saturday, April 30th. As this is a “new” product we have a very limited amount in stock. I would expect they will sell out fast. When they do, the store page will list them for pre-order which will be about a week out. If you want one I recommend acting fast. The S9 is hard enough for us to keep in stock, I expect the S10 to move even faster.
Almost forgot...OUR PRIVATE FILE. Our private firmware has been updated for more accurate USALS positioning, more transponders and up to date satellite names. Like our S9 private file, everything is tagged by both slot and current satellite name. This file has the most up to date satellite information available in a STB! I actually have to re-scan using this firmware as my own personal S9 file isn't as good.
I have an OpenBox S10 setup and am dinking with it. If there is something you want me to test or mess with, post in this thread. Happy to check it out further and answer questions.
”New” GUI
As noted before, the OpenBox engineer went in and changed the GUI, or as we say around here, “pulled a Manhattan”. It effectively functions like the S9 or a Traxis, just with horizontal layout for main item access instead of vertical. Looks fancy and new, but it is in all Ali 3602 based STB’s. Here are some screens…

1. Component Y/Pb/Pr video outputs.
2. Different layout for HDMI, USB, Ethernet.
3. Power switch now horizontal and relocated.
4. Tuner is now on the mainboard and is secured with nuts on the connectors.
5. Casing tolerances are much more tight.

6. LCD display is offset to the left a bit more. Panel is tinted darker like original version S10 so the LCD isn’t glaring bright.
7. Standby light is much bigger/brighter and can be seen from better angles.
8. Side screws added to the cover similar to S9.

9. Cover has different vent layout and less vents, probably better for dust. Bottom casing has many more vent holes for airflow.

10. New power supply.
11. New cleaner looking mainboard
12. New card reader board
13. I didn’t pull the front panel board but I assume it is also slightly different.
More inside pics:
