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  • xnour
    Junior Member
    • 25-05-2005
    • 6

    Dears members

    please can some one help me about Jtag
    flash Intel TE28F160C3TD70
    I wanna just translate this doc to english please
    or Mr Enginner give us more information about unloking intel flash for Ferguson
    ================================================== =========
    this dos is uploaded from DVHK
    ================================================== =========
    -kawalek kodu wylaczajacy WP (write protect) w pamieci Intel 28FxxxC3yy
    (download from
    -dodano definicje kilku pamiêci flash Intela z serii "C3"
    PROGRAMOWANIE tunera Ferguson AF2018SE i AF2018SEC oraz 1018SE
    z pamiecia 28F160C3TD poprzez JTAG
    - interfejs JTAG (zalecany na buforze 74HC244)
    - jkeys wraz z powyzszymi plikami
    - dump dzialajacego flash'a z tunera 2018 (software *.auc sie nie nadaje)
    - opcjonalnie JTAG tester (JTAG_chk.exe)
    -tranzystor BC 547 lub zamienik C 547 c
    0. wylutowaو oryginalny tranzystor (jest spalony) sterَje on kluczem i wlutowaو BC547 tak jak piszê zamieniamy gَrna nَ؟kê z lew¹ (patrz od przodu tunera) 1. zewrzec kolektor (C) tranzystora Q387 do masy
    patrz zdjecie -> dwa czerwone kolka polaczyc przewodem
    2. podlaczyc JTAG i zasilanie do niego (3,3V na bufor 74HC244) ja u؟ylem JTAG z zasilaczem
    -mozna wziac zasilanie z tunera (opis na plycie tunera)
    3. uruchomic tuner - wlaczajac do sieci 230V
    4. uruchomic jkeys; jesli pokaze sie blad "Error reading from IRD" probowac
    uruchamiac tuner i jkeys w roznych momentach
    najlepiej wychodzi jak uruchomi sie jkeys zaraz po zaswieceniu
    wyswietlacza na tunerze i od razu kliknac "Flash Programming"
    jesli jkeys nie zglosil bledow a pamiec flash zostala rozpoznana
    to zamnknac okienko "Flash Programming"
    >>> jesli nadal wyskakuje blad to znaczy, ze pamiec flash jest
    >>> zupelnie czysta lub program w niej jest zupelnie pochrzaniony
    >>> tak, ze nie odpowiada nawet poprzez RS232
    5. kliknac "Development Panel" - uwagi podobne j.w.
    6. w sekcji "Memory read/write file image" wpisac adres 80000000
    oraz rozmiar 1000 i kliknac "Download From"
    pokaze sie okienko do zapisu pliku - zapisac ten kawalek pamieci
    7. w hex-edytorze sprawdzic gdzie zaczyna sie wiekszy, pusty obszar
    o rozmiarze okolo 0x400 (moze byc np. 0x2D0)
    8. w sekcji "User function" wpisac adres 80000000+offset
    czyli np. 800002D0, potem kliknac przycisk obok: "Load to..."
    9. wybrac plik "unlock_28FxxxC3" - kod zostanie przeslany do STi5518
    10. kliknac "Trigger user" - w sekcji "Arguments" powinny pokazac sie
    zera (nieistotne) - nie moze pojawic sie zaden komunikat o bledzie
    inaczej zaczac od poczatku uruchomiو od nowa TYLKO JKEYS
    11. biezace okienko ("Development Panel") odsunac na bok i kliknac
    "Flash Programming"
    12. zmienic "Base address" na 7FE00000 i kliknac "Detect"
    powinny ukazac sie informacje o pamieci flash
    13. sekcja "Chip/sector programming" - ma byc wybrany "Full"
    kliknac "Erase" - w pasku stanu pokaze sie kasowanie kolejnych
    sektorow pamieci
    jesli wyskoczy okienko "Error erasing sector" - cos zrobiles nie tak (nacisnaو program potem Tak i jeszcze raz Tak zacznie adowanie Flesza okolo 4-5sek. Bl¹d i naciskamy ERASE) i reszta tak jak wy؟ej
    14. po wykasowaniu kliknac "Program" i wybrac zgrany dump flash'a
    dzialajacego tunera - rozpocznie sie programowanie (3-4 min.)
    15. jesli programowanie zakonczone sukcesem - koniec problemow.
    rozlaczyc wykonane polaczenie i PODL¥CZYئ nasz nowy tranzystor prawid³owo tak jak by³ nasz orginal (aczkolwiek pamiec flash raczej sie
    sama nie skasuje)
    KONIEC Elektronika to moja pasja wiêc pozprawdzalem i oto rezultat!! Ja to pozbiera³em do kupy i toche od siebie dodalem. Udalosie jak uziemie to pali za 2 strzalem a i mo؟na zamieniو pamieو z AF2018se na AF2018sec (SPRAWDZONE) MrokDuszy 9.07.2005 Poland

    ¯eby nie bylo biadolenia na forach ze coœ nie chodzi lub nie dzila Przeczytaj uwa؟nie a Potem dzialaj
    MYŒLENIE NIE BOLI ZANIM ZEPSسJESZ POMYŒ CO ZROBILEŒ NIE TAK zewzgledu na uszczuplenie nie daje wiecej flashy bo mam du؟e proglemy z w؟uceniem tego na uplady jak by ktoœ potrzebowal to mam fleshe od 1018 do 5018 oprَcz 4018ecb
  • Engineer
    • 12-06-2004
    • 5155

    Konu: Dears members


    Attention: Only professional members

    This cable allows the communication between a PC and the processor or the memories of certain electronic instruments, like your demodulator POWERSKY…

    The wearing of communication is a connector with 20 barbs being on the mother board of your demodulator:

    The 10 barbs of right-hand sides are connected to the mass.

    Side PC connection is made via the parallel port (printer), between the two, only some resistances (four from 100 to 150 ohmes and one from 33 to 40 ohmes) one can insert ` lets' there to make pretty but they are not essential.

    That you buy the components or that you recovered them on old computers, the realization of the cable is simple if some weldings do not frighten you.

    Here some explanatory diagrams:

    How to reprogram the demodulator?

    You should reprogram the memory flash of your demodulator, the programme of interface between the flash and the computer is called jkeys, once opened, support on "detect", it should find the processor, here: STi5518MVB-X

    Press on "flash programming"

    And "Detect"

    The data detected here are those of Powersky CISK 8210 if it does not find, test with "IRD model" = 3700

    Erase the memory before programming it then program with the good file "bin" (given in the pack) are sure that it corresponds to your model, for example by using an editor of HEX and by seeking "DTM" and "CISK" (for my model).

    And there… nothing occurs… except that connection RS232 is again available!

    Use the program "Arioner" to program the "bootloader" (file: S82ÇISKV_DTM_BOOT_BUCPCn.auc in this case), then finally the firmware (file: FINAL S82ÇISKV.auc in this case)

    Ekli Dosyalar
    Son düzenleme Engineer; 01-08-2006, 19:52.


    • xnour
      Junior Member
      • 25-05-2005
      • 6

      Konu: Dears members

      thank you very much Mr Enginer
      but i m asking about unloking intel flash
      TE28F160C3TD70 has a hardware protection
      and it s impossible to program it without unloking


      • Engineer
        • 12-06-2004
        • 5155

        Konu: Dears members

        Sory, i don't know polish.
        Maybe @mintaj or another friend can do translation.
        Son düzenleme Engineer; 26-07-2005, 17:27.


        • LATÝF
          Junior Member
          • 08-07-2005
          • 125

          Konu: Dears members

          ne dir anlamadık ingilizce konuşuyorsunuz conax lar geldimi yoksa thor uydususu için


          • Engineer
            OZMENA TEAM
            • 12-06-2004
            • 5155

            Konu: Dears members

            Öyle bir şey olursa ilgili bölümde duyurulur. Sondaki kelimeye takıldınız sanırım o yazılım flash dosyası ile birlikte verilmiş eski bir yazılım.Yanlış anlamaya mahal vermemek için ilgili yer düzeltilmiştir.Tüm üyelerimiz Türk değil ve onlarada elimizden geldiğince yardımcı olmaya çalışıyoruz. Konuştuğumuz konuya gelince bir modelin flashı ile ilgili.
            İyi günler.
            Son düzenleme Engineer; 26-07-2005, 18:54.


            • xnour
              Junior Member
              • 25-05-2005
              • 6

              Konu: Dears members

              i m sorry, thnk you very much


              • mintaj
                Junior Member
                • 11-04-2005
                • 60

                Konu: Dears members

                A lot of technical words my English it is not enough good


                - piece codes exceptive WP (write protect) in memory Intel 28FxxxC3yy (download from jKeys.def
                - definitions of several memories were added flash Intel with series "C3"

                PROGRAMMING tuner Ferguson AF2018SE(S170E) and AF2018SEC(S170EC) as well as 1018SE(S170EC)
                with memory 28F160C3TD with the help of JTAG


                - interface Jtag (recommended on buffer 74HC244)
                - jkeys along with above mentioned files
                - dump working flash z tuner 2018(S170EC) (software *.auc it is not suitable)
                - not necessarily JTAG tester (JTAG_chk.exe)
                - transistor BC 547 or supplementary C 547 c

                0. Solder on orginal transistor (burnt) he steers key solder on BC547 so as write we exchange upper leg from left (look from front tuner)
                1. Bind collector (C) transistor Q387 to mass -> look picture two red circles to connect with line
                2. To connect JTAG and power supply to him (3,3V on buffer 74HC244) I used Jtag from feeder
                - it was it been possible to use power supply from tuner (description on plate of tuner)
                3. Starting tuner including to net 230 V
                4. Starting jkeys; how mistake will appear "Error reading from IRD" try to start tuner and jkeys in different moments
                it the best goes out: how sie will start jkeys after inclusion display and to click soon "Flash Programming" if jkeys it will not it notify mistakes and memory she was recognized, we close this window "Flash Programming"
                >>> if mistake shows still; this means that memory flash it is completely clean
                >>> or programme in her it is completely bad it does not it answer even across RS232
                5. To click "Development Panel" - similar attentions as above
                6. In section "Memory read/write file image" to write address 80000000 as well as size 1000 and to click "Download From"
                7. In Hex-Edytor to check where sie begins larger, empty area about size about 0x400 (to possibly for example: 0x2D0)
                8. In section "User function" to write address 80000000+offset that is for example: 800002D0; to click then button by: "Load to..."
                9. To choose file "unlock_28FxxxC3" - he code be becomes sended to STi5518
                10. To click "Trigger user" - in section "Arguments" zeroes should appear (unimportant) - no error message can appear; beginning again differently, again ONLY JKEYS
                11. Current little window ("Development Panel") push away aside and to click "Flash Programming"
                12. To alter "Base address" on 7FE00000 and to click "Detect" they should appear information about memory flash
                13. In section "Chip/sector programming" - my to be chosen "Full" to click "Erase" - in status bar it will appear elimination the next sectors of memory; if little window will to jump out "Error erasing sector" - you made something it so
                14. After canceling to click "Program" and to choose harmonious dump flash working tuner programming will begin (3-4 minute)
                15. It if success was finished was programming - end of problems
                to separate executed connection and TO CONNECT our new transistor correctly even-Stephen how orginal was


                • xnour
                  Junior Member
                  • 25-05-2005
                  • 6

                  Konu: Dears members

                  thanks a lot Mr mintaj


                  • feexman115
                    Junior Member
                    • 14-07-2005
                    • 2

                    Re: Dears members

                    hi this is ilyaaskhan chief engineer of STARTRACK compony if u need any information about STARTRACK models
                    this is my email adress


                    • MentaL

                      • 01-03-2004
                      • 8134

                      Konu: Re: Dears members

                      Originally posted by feexman115
                      hi this is ilyaaskhan chief engineer of STARTRACK compony if u need any information about STARTRACK models
                      this is my email adress

                      thanks for your information and technical support..


                      • Engineer
                        OZMENA TEAM
                        • 12-06-2004
                        • 5155

                        Konu: Re: Dears members

                        Originally posted by feexman115
                        hi this is ilyaaskhan chief engineer of STARTRACK compony if u need any information about STARTRACK models
                        this is my email adress
                        Thanks for your interest and we are glad to see your support.


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