Yeni Atılacak Astra 1KR Hakkında bilgisi olan varmı?
Konu: Yeni Atılacak Astra 1KR Hakkında bilgisi olan varmı?
Originally posted by nejatMerhaba arkadaşlar peki bu astra 1kr uydusu hangi kanalları içerecek bilen varmı?Son düzenleme muyaba; 21-04-2006, 13:29.Yorum
Konu: Yeni Atılacak Astra 1KR Hakkında bilgisi olan varmı?
Originally posted by muyabaarkadaşlar bu uyduya 1c nin yayınları gececek kanallara burdan bakabilirsin
Re: Yeni Atılacak Astra 1KR Hakkında bilgisi olan varmı?
ASTRA 1KR is an all Ku-band spacecraft that will provide distribution of direct-to-home broadcast services across Europe. It is equipped with 32 active transponders, which will be reduced to 28 active transponders after the first 5 years. The satellite will be located at 19.2 degrees East longitude, replacing ASTRA 1B and Astra 1Cyukardakılerın suresı dolmus onların yerıne bu uydu
Satellite launch information
Satellite orbital information
- Launch date: 20.04.2006
- Launch vehicle: Atlas V
- Launch site: Cape Canaveral, USA
- Launch mass: 4332kg
- Satellite manufacturer: Lockheed Martin
- Orbital location: 19.2° east
- Transponder capacity: 32/28
The Atlas V launch will place the Lockheed Martin-built ASTRA 1KR satellite into orbit for SES ASTRA. The Atlas V will lift off from Launch Compex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The geosynchronous tranfer orbit mission design will use a sub-synchronous trajectory design with two Centaur burn phases.The satellite's attitude and orbital control system will perform a series of burns to achieve geosynchronous altitude, circularize the orbit and reduce inclination. The duration of the flight is one hour and 48 minutes from liftoff to spacecraft separation.
Atlas Extended Coast Insertion Into Orbit
Countdown and flight event summary
Event HR:MIN:SECGuidance Go-Inertial-0:00:08.0RD-180 Ignition-0:00:02.7T-O (Engine Ready Point)-0:00:00.0Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) Ignition0:00:00.8Liftoff0:00:01.1SRB Jettison0:02:25.0Booster Engine Cutoff (BECO)0:04:02.7Common Core Booster (CCB) Separation0:04:08.7Centaur 1st Main Engine Start (MES1)0:04:18.7Payload Fairing Jettison0:04:26.7Centaur 1st Main Engine Cutoff (MEC01)0:17:56.4Centaur 12nd Main Engine Start (MES2)1:43:56.3Centaur 2nd Main Engine Cutoff (MEC02)1:45:22.1Spacecraft Separation1:48:11.1
Atlas Ascent Ground Track
Launch broadcast
United States
SES Americom is providing satellite time on AMC-4, transponder C17 for the Atlas V ASTRA Launch on 20 April 2006. Test Signal from 3:45 PM EDT to broadcast start at 4:10 PM EDT. Broadcast will end no later than 9:15 PM EDT.
Full Satellite Coordinates for viewing are as follows:
Satellite: AMC-4
Transponder: C17
C-band Analog
Location: 101 degrees West Longitude
Downlink Freq: 4040V
Bandwidth: 36 MHz
Europe and Western Asia
CCI will have the transmission received at teleport, standard converted from NTSC to PAL and retransmitted to NSS-7 for reception in Europe.
Full Satellite Coordinates for viewing are as follows:
Satellite: NSS-7
Transponder: WHL3/EUH2 CH 2
Ku-band Digital
Location: 338 Degrees
Downlink Freq: 11,073.500 Horizontal
Bandwidth: 9 MHz
Symbol Rate: 6.1113
FEC: 3/4
CCI will have the transmission monitored at downlink site Europe for quality assurance. CCI will provide sufficient bandwidth for 1000 unique users to view the web-cast in either Real Player or Windows Media at 56k for dial-up viewers and 300k for broadband viewers.
Watch the live webcast of the launch of ASTRA 1KR
20 April 2006
beginning at 22:00 CET düzenleme MaxiSat; 22-04-2006, 22:12.Yorum