sovelotion for the VIP sofware

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  • nazirahmed
    Junior Member
    • 22-07-2005
    • 2


    sovelotion for the VIP sofware

    I have vip receiver and it has the humman ace software .I had updated my receiver with the new adited file. Which can open the only the tps channals but it takes two minuts to apear on the screen.And it does not open the polsat channals.May I ask that is there no one to make a complite software for this receiver,because in adit file they do not add the new frequencyes.I need the complit software along the sky cas sotware which can open the full-X channals. Thank you
    Aziz Khan

    • 13-02-2004
    • 2422

    Konu: sovelotion for the VIP sofware


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