FIFAYI Protesto edelim ingilizce protesto

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  • slover
    Junior Member
    • 24-10-2005
    • 1


    FIFAYI Protesto edelim ingilizce protesto

    Arkadaşlar dilim dondugunce yazdim. Bu mesajı "" adresine gonderebilirsiniz. Lutfen yayın

    Dear mongoloid Sepp Blatter;

    We know you are swiss also you are president of FIFA. We haven't never been waited that your would have been behaived fair for all nations in football arena. We know you are Christian, and the crusaders. We are seeing clearly your real face. Always you are saying "fairplay vs....." but you are disingenuous. Football is sport, game but your FIFA etc is politics. Decisions of refrees were planned before on the table. But we tried to play the game on the stadium not the on the tabel as you.

    We are ready for your next to fraudulent act !

    A Turkish person who hate the crusaders.
  • saly
    • 07-07-2004
    • 504

    Konu: FIFAYI Protesto edelim ingilizce protesto

    ben gönderdim


    • muhsinbayram
      Junior Member
      • 14-11-2004
      • 93

      Konu: FIFAYI Protesto edelim ingilizce protesto

      arkadaşım bu metin,protesto metninden çok hakaret metni içeriği taşıyor, niyetimiz hakaret etmekse tamam,ancak bu da hem fert olarak,hemde millet olarak bize bir şey kazandırmaz kanatindeyim


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