Hotbird 7A

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  • ikdam
    • 28-01-2005
    • 644


    Hotbird 7A

    hotbird 7a 21 şubat 2006 uyduya gönderlicekmiş
  • ybæl©ik

    • 25-01-2003
    • 30775

    Konu: hotbird 7a

    HOT BIRD™ 7A
    HOT BIRD™ 7A will be equipped with 38 Ku-band transponders for television broadcasting to cable and DTH homes. It will replace HOT BIRD™ 1 and provide back-up and replacement capacity for HOT BIRD™ 2, 3 and 4.

    HOT BIRD™ 8
    With 64 transponders that can be operated simultaneously, HOT BIRD™ 8 is the largest satellite yet ordered by Eutelsat. Its mission is to accompany HOT BIRD™ 7A into raising in-orbit sparing at 13 degrees East to a level where it can maintain its reputation as one of the most secure multi-satellite video neighbourhoods.

    Heres a useful footprint map. Mid-May 2005, this appeared on one of the satellite forum I use. It shows the predicted coverage of the forthcoming Eutelsat 7A which will slot at 13E in the near future. We like the broad pan European coverage


    • powerx
      Junior Member
      • 13-12-2004
      • 371

      Konu: Hotbird 7A

      Originally posted by ikdam
      hotbird 7a 21 şubat 2006 uyduya gönderlicekmiş
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