Arkadaşlar, Roma'ya dikilmesi düşünülen bir ATATÜRK heykeli p r o j e si ile ilgili mail aldım.Sizlerle paylaşmak istedim.
aşağıdaki adrese fw edin .Romaya Atatürk heykeli dikilecek.
Honorable Lord Mayor
Walter Veltroni
Rome, Italy
I would like to congratulate you on your decision for erecting a statue of the great Turkish statesman and the liberator of his country around the turn of the twentieth century.Your decision to honor Kemal Ataturk, 67 years after his death indicates to all Turks the importance you have placed on his person. Your appreciation of him as the one who had coined the adage which is still alive today and is shining like a beacon of amity and harmony among nations, is warmly acknowledged by all Turks.
Ataturk's words: "PEACE AT HOME- PEACE IN THE WORLD" when chiseled on that monument will add special significance to the description of Rome as the Eternal City.
For you Mr. Mayor, the world will always be grateful for having appreciated this immortal man who is Ataturk. His presence in one of Rome's magnificent parks will always be the subject of your kind gesture.
( İ M Z A )
aşağıdaki adrese fw edin .Romaya Atatürk heykeli dikilecek.
Honorable Lord Mayor
Walter Veltroni
Rome, Italy
I would like to congratulate you on your decision for erecting a statue of the great Turkish statesman and the liberator of his country around the turn of the twentieth century.Your decision to honor Kemal Ataturk, 67 years after his death indicates to all Turks the importance you have placed on his person. Your appreciation of him as the one who had coined the adage which is still alive today and is shining like a beacon of amity and harmony among nations, is warmly acknowledged by all Turks.
Ataturk's words: "PEACE AT HOME- PEACE IN THE WORLD" when chiseled on that monument will add special significance to the description of Rome as the Eternal City.
For you Mr. Mayor, the world will always be grateful for having appreciated this immortal man who is Ataturk. His presence in one of Rome's magnificent parks will always be the subject of your kind gesture.
( İ M Z A )