By the way, despues to experiment I complete change of IK in the Spanish supplier and to modify it with ultraedit satisfactorily, I put myself to try to modify the Spanish supplier, by the supplier Portuguese, changing so much the IdeaK*y as the Rsa, without obtaining light, not if sera so that there is to also modify YOU GO, but this not as is in particular,somebody to indicate in that sector encuatra to me, or as I can identify it. Not if with this modification gin the possibility of emulating c*abo although left it go to D+, at least one is entertained doing this, although really I believe that to be able to implement c*abo in magra2, habria that to use I cosay source, but this it does not seem that is I publish, I,me I have at least tired to request it and nobody has answered me nothing.
Please, it is I publish I cosay source?
Please, it is I publish I cosay source?