What does "CODE ACCESSING" mean?

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  • nomorecops
    Junior Member
    • 28-02-2006
    • 2


    What does "CODE ACCESSING" mean?

    Hi, I have to speak in English because I doesn't know your language.
    I have a HYD-DC-300 oval with software 7.50. When I put on same channels like Multivision 1 to 8, Polsat channels and Absat channels on the top left apears the write "CODE ACCESSING". What does it mean?
    thanks everybody.
  • volsim
    Junior Member
    • 14-10-2005
    • 117

    Konu: What does "CODE ACCESSING" mean?

    It means your receiver is automatically getting the keys of the scrambled channel you watch . But it may take some time about 5 to 15 seconds to watch several channels because of different encryption systems . Multivision channels use AES Keys that change everyday . But most of other French channels haven't changed their keys for a long time . But don't forget that you can't watch most of the encrypted channels on Hotbird if you don't have a receiver with cardsharing system . The newest software for your receiver is 7.55 including Nagra 2 (Cabo and Venus Tv) on Hispasat.


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