MasterA IV Programmer

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  • ozkandonmez

    • 30-12-2002
    • 47175


    MasterA IV Programmer

    The MasterA IV Programmer: (Category UnIVersal Programmers)

    Those of you who have been waiting for something revolutionary, or at least something totally new, will be disappointed. The Mastera-IV is just a MasterA-III with another color, and a bit more memory. That larger memory is needed to support copying of the latest generations of cards with Eeprom sizen of 128 and 256Kbit.

    The MasterA family of programmers is almost identical to the MasterCRD & VX Multi programmers. These programmers (MasterA & MasterCRD) are my favorite. I have never had a VX Multi to test, so I cannot judge about that one. The MasterA family of programmers is very versatile and really user friendly. And they come in a robust enclosure which is (at least until recently) rather rare for hobby programmers.

    Their price tag will inevitably put them out of reach for some people, but if it fits your budget, don't hesitate and buy one. You won't regret it. When it comes to programming, there is nothing that the version I will not do that the version II or IV does. There are just some features like cloning/copying cards that are added to the version II & IV programmers. But if you're going to buy a new one that's no issue as you can no longer buy a version I anyhow.

    The MasterA's biggest asset is the possibility to work with the ChipCat, CardWriter, DMSSC & MasterBurner software. These software packages are amongst the most user friendly programs around when it comes to programming smart cards. The MasterA's will handle any type of smart card, provided you have the proper software for it.

    The MasterA-I needs 12 Volts of power, the MasterA-II & IV only 8.2 Volts. Thanks to their exellent built in Voltage regulator, they will program any card without problems, as long as your power supply meets the minimum requirements.

    There is just 1 function that I really miss on such high end programmers: a simple on/off switch. The MasterCRD 2 has one and in my opinion every programmer in this class should have one. So if any manufacturer of programmers is reading this: equip your programmer with a simple on/off switch. It gIVes you an edge.

    The MasterA-IV will serve as a copy station too. It will copy all standard PIC cards and FUN cards,, provided that the external Eeprom on the card is no bigger than 256Kbit. If it is larger than that, only the first 256Kbit will be copied.

    I think it's a shame they have chosen to use those ugly screws to hold the PCB in the enclosure. A simple click construction or a screw inside the programmer would be so much nicer. Anyway, in my opinion, in terms of finishing touch, the MasterA programmers never really stood out of the croud. If you look at the MasterCRD and SC-Master programmers, you will notice a much much better finish.

    OK then, the pro's & cons:
    - will work with almost every popular programmer software
    - is able to read/program all popular card types
    - manual selection of the right programmer mode
    - no problems with power supplies, due to the perfect Voltage regulator
    - a sturdy enclosure

    - The finishing of the enclosure is somewhat sloppy
    - no on/off switch
    Please make sure that you insert the cards with the contacts facing UP.

    The operating modes:

    Mode 0:

    Smartmouse/Phoenix mode (6 MHz). This is the operating mode required by a software program like CardWriter when programming the eeprom of a card via through pic programming. This mode is also used when updating a card by means of. CRD files.

    Mode 1:

    Identical to Mode 0, but now in 3.58 MHz.

    Mode 2:

    JDM/Ludipipo compatibility mode. This mode is used to program the PIC on a Pic wafer card. In combination with the right software, you can program any 16Fxxx type chip in this mode.

    Mode 3:

    JDM/Ludipipo compatibility mode too, but this mode is used to program the eeprom on a Pic wafer card directly if the card has 8 contacts (the so called direct programming lines).

    Mode 4:

    The Atmel/Jupiter compatibility mode. In this mode it is possible to program AVR type processors like the 90Sxxxx on the Fun- and Jupiter cards.

    Mode 5:

    The Atmel/Jupiter compatibility mode too, but this mode is used to program the eeprom on a AVR type card if the card supports direct programming for the eeprom.

    Mode 6:

    This mode is used to read and modify your GSM card. For instance the address book can be edited in this mode.

    Mode L:

    Copy mode, only available to the MasterA-II & IV.
    On the MasterA-IV, this mode allows you to read Goldwafer-, Silver-, Fun- & Jupiter cards in order to copy them.

    Mode P:

    Copy mode, only available to the MasterA-II & IV.
    On the MasterA-IV, this mode allows you to make a protected copy of a Goldwafer-, Silver-, Fun- or Jupiter card.

    Mode C:

    Copy mode, only available to the MasterA-II & IV.
    On the MasterA-IV, this mode allows you to make a normal copy of a Goldwafer-, Silver-, Fun- or Jupiter card.

    KAYNAK : Duwgati
    Son düzenleme ozkandonmez; 31-01-2004, 02:47.
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  • ozekici1985
    Junior Member
    • 06-10-2005
    • 8

    Konu: MasterA IV Programmer

    hocam bende de bu cihaz war fakat kurulum dosyası yok...:( bana yardımcı olabilir misin ?_?


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