5400 kodlarin anlami

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  • berdus
    Junior Member
    • 17-04-2006
    • 112


    5400 kodlarin anlami

    E-HC/bC -- Incorrect header block(CRC-16)
    The software is damaged. Re-download the software.

    E-dC -- Incorrect data block(CRC-16)
    The software is damaged. Re-download the software.

    E-Hn/bF -- Invalid HDF version
    This error can occur when you attempt to download Non-Superset STB software to Superset or Vice-Versa. Please check the STB model and the software.

    E-Id -- Invalid system ID
    This error can occur when you attempt to download F1 software to F1-CI. Please check the STB model and the software.

    E-AC -- Incorrect application CRC-32
    Download latest version of application software.

    E-ut -- UART RX/TX time out
    There is communication problem between source and target
    1) Check whether the S/W is compressed or not and check whether you used the proper download tool for the software
    2) Reduce the download speed and try to download again
    3) Switch STB main power off/on and try to download again
    4) Reboot the PC and try to download again

    E-Ad -- Invalid address
    Humax created the hdf file with an invalid address. Please notify Humax of this error and wait until Humax releases fixed software.

    E-Ao -- Invalid offset address for upload(Odd offset)
    There was a mistake when Humax made hdf file from binary file. Please let Humax know immediately and wait for a fix

    E-Ft -- Flash program time out
    The flash memory in the STB seems damaged. Please try to download again. If you fail agian, send the receiver back to Humax to have the flash memory device replaced

    E-It/Et -- EEPROM program time out
    The EEPROM in the STB seems damaged. Please try to download again. If it fails again, replace the EEPROM device

    E-FE -- Fail compare after flash write
    Flash memory is damaged. Return the main board( CPU Board)

    E-HF -- Invalid HDF Format
    Humax made the hdf file with wrong version. Please notify Humax of this error and wait until a fix is released

    E-Fn -- Invalid flash device
    Flash memory is defect. Need to change the flash memory so please return the Main Board

    E-AS -- Incorrect application size
    Check the software version and STB hardware specification

    E03 CA module failure (Great for UEC - they only have a built in CAM)
    E04 Please reset smartcard .......... The smartcard in not inserted or a SSD is not recognised
    E05 Unknown card .................... The smartcard is not applicable to this system
    E06 Smartcard failure ............... (You have cooked it)
    E07 Checking Smartcard .............. If after 30 seconds the message still appears re-insert card
    E08 CA module failure ...............
    E09 CAD EEPROM error ............... The smartcard is malfunctioning
    E11 Updating CAD EEPROM .......... The decoder is briefly checking smartcard - can take 60 seconds
    E12 CAM failure
    E13 CAM failure
    E14 Service is currently scrambled .. Transmission problem .. wait for transmission resumption - also means timezone blocked
    E15 Not used at present E15 Smartcard error ................ Smartcard is damaged
    E16 Service is currently scrambled .. Access to the service is denied
    E17 Service is currently scrambled .. Access to the service is denied
    E18 Unknown card ................... The smartcard is not applicable to this system
    E19 Service is currently scrambled .. Access to service denied .. subscription problem
    E20 Service is currently scrambled .. Access to service denied
    E21 Service is currently scrambled .. Access to service denied
    E22 Event Purchased
    E23 Preview period
    E24 Service is currently scrambled .. Access to service denied also can mean smartcard not compatible
    E25 Event already purchased
    E26 Event for sale cheap ........ Special of the day (Not the 2000 Olympics)
    E27 No further purchases possible ... Event limit reached
    E28 Credit limit reached ,,,,,,,,,,,, Entitlement credits to smartcard exhausted
    E30 Service is currently scrambled .. Access to service denied
    E31 Service is currently scrambled .. Access to service denied
    E32 Service is currently scrambled .. Access to service denied
    E34 Service is currently scrambled .. Access to service denied . Unplug and re-insert CAM (does not apply to UEC)
    E35 Service is currently scrambled .. Access to service denied
    E37 Service unknown ................. System error
    E38 Service is currently not running Service is being used for a special event
    E39 Locating service ................ The decoder is busy locating a service.
    E40 IRD memory full ................. System error
    E41 Service is not currently available The programme has been blocked by means of Program Blocking - reassign blocking level.
    E42 Parental Control Lock ............ The service has been blocked - Reset blocking level if required
    E43 Not allowed in this country ...... Wrong smartcard for this service
    E45 Service is not allowed ........... T he satellite dish is not receiving a signal
    E46 Reading satellite information ,,,,
    E47 No soundtrack available .......... An unavailable language has been selected
    E49 LNB overload detected ............ Installation fault, check for short circuits.
    E50 No service available
    E53 Incorrect PIN
    E54 IPPV OK
    E55 No event information found
    E64 Invalid tuning parameters

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