Help Vestel 3600 for D+Spain

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  • Francisq
    Junior Member
    • 01-05-2006
    • 1


    Help Vestel 3600 for D+Spain

    Sorry, I don't Know turkish.
    I have a clonic del Vestel 3600. I want do EMU.
    Is it possible to do anything?
    What .bin use?
    How introducing I the Keys?
  • morpheousmatrix
    Junior Member
    • 03-05-2004
    • 147

    Konu: Help Vestel 3600 for D+Spain

    for emu loader program you can use :

    for emu only you can load this (for vestel dv4 3600 fta)

    for keys

    you can use loader program for load emu and keys
    for load keys chose key
    for load emu chose emu


    • zendalo
      Junior Member
      • 10-05-2006
      • 5

      Re: Konu: Help Vestel 3600 for D+Spain

      Hello,I have a problem too,I dont know Turkish so I cant understand the user manul for vestel dvb 3600 fta,so I need help from you.If u can 2 send me a user manual in english via e - mail,and loader and soft with keys.PLS

      Originally posted by morpheousmatrix
      for emu loader program you can use :

      for emu only you can load this (for vestel dv4 3600 fta)

      for keys

      you can use loader program for load emu and keys
      for load keys chose key
      for load emu chose emu


      • zendalo
        Junior Member
        • 10-05-2006
        • 5

        Re: Help Vestel 3600 for D+Spain

        I please u to translate this user manual in english? I am not shoor do I have to use westlink editor or hyper terminal for emu?
        Also,I need Loader and Key maker and the new keys for vestel dvb 3600 fta and schema for rs232 Pc to receiver
        I hope u will help me as soon as possible
        Regards from Macedonia
        Konu: vestel 3600fta acil yardim
        Son düzenleme zendalo; 12-05-2006, 21:38.


        • zendalo
          Junior Member
          • 10-05-2006
          • 5

          Re: Help Vestel 3600 for D+Spain

          I please u to translate this user manual in english? I am not shoor do I have to use westlink editor or hyper terminal for emu?
          Also,I need Loader and Key maker and the new keys for vestel dvb 3600 fta and schema for rs232 Pc to receiver
          I hope u will help me as soon as possible
          Regards from Macedonia
          Konu: vestel 3600fta acil yardim
          Vestel receiver'lere emu yüklemek:
          1.Hyper Terminal ayarlarini su sekilde yapin:
          *Saniyedeki bit sayisi 115200
          *Modem 1K XModem
          *Veri bitleri:8
          Dur Bitleri:1
          Akis denetimi:Yok
          Com:Com 1-Com 2 genellikle alt Rs232 Com 1 oluyor
          2.RS 232 baglantisini yaptiktan sonra bir ucunu Com 1 veya 2'ye bir ucunu receiver'e takin receiver fisini elektrikten çekin.
          3.Hyper terminal'den dosya gönderi seçin ve gözat tusuna basarak istediginiz dosyayi seçin ve dosyayi gönder seçenegine basin.
          4.Receiver'i fise takin yükleme baslayacaktir.1 Ila 5 dk. arasinda yükleme yapacaktir.
          5.FUSE yazip bekleyecektir sakin burada hiçbir sekilde fis çekmeyin elektirikle ugrasmayim
          6.0000 yazacaktir
          7.EMU yüklenmistir

          Emu sifrelerini bilgisayardan kaydetmek:
          1.Menü tusun basin ve 666666666 yazin emu sayfasi ekrana gelsin.
          2.Bilgisayardan hyper terminal programini çalistirin.Saniyedeki bit sayisi 38400 modem'i 1k Xmodem seçin.
          3.Hyper Terminal'den dosya gönderi seçin.Karsiniza çikan ekrandan GÖZ AT seçenegine basin ve dosyayi bulun.
          4.Emu Meüsünden sifre ali seçin ve okeyleyin.
          5.Hyper terminalden de gönder tusuna basin
          6.KEY ler 10 sayinca yüklenecek
          7.Menu tusuna basin ve zevkle izleyin
          Kanal listesini bilgisayardan kaydetmek
          1.Emu tusuna basin 7777777777 yazin
          2.Bilgisayardan hyper terminal programini çalistirin.Saniyedeki bit sayisi 38400 modem'i 1k Xmodem seçin.
          3.Hyper Terminal'den dosya gönderi seçin.Karsiniza çikan ekrandan GÖZ AT seçenegine basin ve dosyayi bulun.
          4.Emu Meüsünden veritabani gönderal i seçin ve indiri okeyleyin.
          5.Hyper terminalden de gönder tusuna basin
          6.Kanallar 88 sayinca yüklenecek
          7.Menu tusuna basin ve zevkle izleyin


          • morpheousmatrix
            Junior Member
            • 03-05-2004
            • 147

            Konu: Help Vestel 3600 for D+Spain

            first you dont need use hyper terminal program because vestek has emu loader and key loader program I've already given them my last massage
            only you have to load them and use olader program
            for emu ;select emu icon and select emu file connect recaiver to your computer with RS232 cable (you ust select your com port)
            and push load(yükle) putton
            for keys ;select keys icon and select key file and connect your recaiver (like load emu )and you have to open your recaiver and push menu puuton on your recaiver and push six 66666666666 after open keys menu
            when you push yükle(load) putton you must select şifre al (key load putton)on your recaiver menu
            Just at all


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