MyDoom Virisü......

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  • ozkandonmez

    • 30-12-2002
    • 47175


    MyDoom Virisü......

    Bu sabah tan itibaren başlayan halen büyük hızla mail yoluyla yayılan Mydoom virüsünden dolayı yayınımız server koruması alınmasından dolayı arasıra kesilmektedir.

    Bağlı olduğumuz server , gerekli önlemleri almıştır. Maillerinizi antivirüs programı PC nizde yoksa açmayın. Neti takip ederek bununla ilgili önlem almayı ve programınızı güncellemeyi unutmayın

    Konuyla ilgili dan alınan yazı aşağıdaki gibidir.

    Experts: 'Mydoom' virus is vicious

    By Matthew Fordahl, The Associated Press Jan 27 2004 10:23AM

    An e-mail worm that looks like a normal error message but actually contains a malicious program snarled computers around the world on Tuesday.

    MessageLabs Inc., which scans e-mail for viruses, said one in every 12 messages contained the worm, called "Mydoom" or "Novarg." Security experts described it as the largest virus-like outbreak in months.

    The worm began spreading rapidly Monday during business hours in the United States. By comparison, many previous outbreaks had started during Asian business hours, allowing antivirus vendors to develop defenses by the time U.S. companies opened up shop.

    "Whenever a virus begins to start in the States, it usually becomes much bigger," said Vincent Gullotto, an antivirus researcher at Network Associates Inc.

    Some corporate networks were clogged with infected traffic within hours of the worm's appearance, and operators of many systems voluntarily shut down their e-mail systems.

    Mikko Hypponen, manager of anti-virus research at F-Secure Corp. in Finland, estimated that 200,000 to 300,000 computers were hit worldwide.

    The worm infects computers using Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating systems, though other computers were affected by network slowdowns and a flood of bogus messages.

    Unlike other mass-mailing worms, Mydoom does not attempt to trick victims by promising nude pictures of celebrities or mimicking personal notes. Instead, one of its messages reads: "The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment."

    "Because that sounds like a technical thing, people may be more apt to think it's legitimate and click on it," said Steve Trilling, senior director of research at the computer security company Symantec.

    In addition to sending out tainted e-mail, the program appears to open up a back door so hackers can take over the computer later.

    Symantec said the worm appeared to contain a program that collect usernames and passwords and distribute them to strangers. Network Associates did not find that program.

    The worm also appeared to infect folders open to users of the Kazaa file-sharing network. Remote users who download those files and run them could be infected.

    The worm was also programmed to flood the Web site of the SCO Group Inc. beginning Feb. 1 with requests in an attempt to crash its system. SCO has been targeted by recent attacks because of its threats to sue users of the Linux operating system in an intellectual property dispute.

    Microsoft offers a patch for its Outlook e-mail software to warn users before they open such attachments or prevent them from opening them altogether. Antivirus software also stops infection.

    Earlier this month, a worm called "Bagle" infected computers but seemed to die out quickly.
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