Azimuth ve Elevation hesaplamasi

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  • ganidagli
    Senior Member
    • 25-06-2004
    • 3512


    Azimuth ve Elevation hesaplamasi

    cok yararli bir site
    Azimuth ve Elevation hesaplamasi yapmak icin buraya tiklayin..
  • TriaxMan
    Junior Member
    • 09-03-2005
    • 3

    Konu: Azimuth ve Elevation hesaplamasi

    Originally posted by ganidagli
    cok yararli bir site
    Azimuth ve Elevation hesaplamasi yapmak icin buraya tiklayin..

    Hello Ganidagli,

    I am the webmaster and coder of the website SatLex.

    I am looking for one or more satellite freaks who can help me to translate the website from ENGLISH to TURKISH, or from GERMAN to TURKISH or whatever.

    Take a look here at the place where I would like to start with the

    Afterwards we go on with the rest. But do not worry, there
    is very less stuff and mainly single words or only short sentences.

    If somebody of you has time and agree, I will send you all you need in EXCEL file format, in order to make your translation work easier.

    Just let me know please if you might have some time for me in order to
    create an other language for the benefit of the entire sat-freaks community
    around the world. My SatLex already exists in 7 languages... Look:

    Since this is a non-profit project and the entire satellite-freaks community enjoys having this page, the only thing I can do for you, it to put your name and your URL (if you have one) in this area here:

    So, if anybody can help me translating SOME PARTS of SatLex into TURKISH, please write me an email here:

    Thanks a lot and hope to get some help from you guys!



    • helezon

      • 22-04-2004
      • 1898

      Konu: Azimuth ve Elevation hesaplamasi

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        • 25-01-2003
        • 30775

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