digi tv günlük yayın akışı!!!!

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  • kemal1923
    Junior Member
    • 21-11-2008
    • 146


    digi tv günlük yayın akışı!!!!

    AXN CE [Romania]
    07:00 Survivor - Cook Islands
    (USA, 2000, action-reality, ep 14)
    07:55 Zoom
    Port Police 08:00
    (Aus., 1996 f.s. act., Ep 22/84)
    09:00 All Saints Hospital
    (Aus., 1998, s, episode 6)
    10:00 Trainees
    (USA, 2001, episode 17)
    10:30 Trainees
    (USA, 2001, episode 18)
    10:55 Zoom
    11:00 Lost - Naufragiatii
    (USA, 2004, F. s. AVENT., episode 8)
    12:00 exchanged three
    (USA, 1999, s, episode 22)
    13:00 All Saints Hospital
    (Aus., 1998, s, episode 7)
    14:00 Stargate SG-1
    (USA, 1997, s, episode 13)
    15:00 Stargate SG-1
    (USA, 1997, s, episode 14)
    16:00 Survivor - Cook Islands
    (USA, 2000, action-reality, episode 15)
    17:00 exchanged three
    (USA, 1999, s, episode 19)
    17:55 Zoom
    18:00 Lost - Naufragiatii
    (USA, 2004, F. s. AVENT., episode 9)
    19:00 Stargate SG-1
    (USA, 1997, s, episode 15)
    20:00 Stargate SG-1
    (USA, 1997, s, episode 16)
    20:55 Zoom
    Genesis 21:00
    (spa., 2006, episode 21)
    Genesis 22:10
    (spa., 2006, episode 22)
    23:35 Vampires, murders and
    love story
    Paco's Men 00:35
    (spa., 2005, episode 1)
    Genesis 02:30
    (spa., 2006, episode 21)
    Genesis 03:35
    (spa., 2006, episode 22)
    04:35 Vampires, murders and
    love story
    05:00 Promo

    07:00 Great Balls of Fire!
    (USA, 1989, drama) (15)
    08:45 Mad King George
    (engl., 1994, Dr. hist.) (12)
    10:35 The best directors
    The best directors in Hollywood
    11:05 Tokyo Sonata
    (jap.-hol.-hongk., 2008, drama)
    13:05 Year of the Wolf
    (fin., 2007, Dr. romantic.) (12)
    14:45 Elvis Mitchell: Interviews
    Edward Norton (12)
    15:15 Perseverance
    (fra., 2007, drama) (12)
    17:00 Born winner
    (USA, 1984, drama) (12)
    Pascali's Island 19:15
    (engl.-it., 1988, drama) (12)
    Princess Diana's Death 21:00
    (US-lux.-English., 2007, bit. Bio.)
    22:30 Game
    (USA, 1997, thrill.) (15)
    Placental 00:40
    (USA, 1971, com) (12)
    02:10 In the first line
    (USA, 1983, drama) (15)
    04:15 Born on July 4
    (USA, 1989, Dr. defeat.) (15)

    06:00 Batman: Knight of Gotham
    (sua-jap., 2008, f. doc.)
    07:15 Bafta Awards 2010
    09:20 Operation Valkyrie
    (sua-ger., 2008, drama) (12)
    11:20 In 25 years I myself
    (USA, 2005, rom com.) (15)
    Scorpion King 12:50
    (sua-ger., 2001, action) (12)
    14:20 Atonement
    (engl.-fra., 2007, drama) (12)
    16:20 A real kiss
    (USA, 1999, com) (12)
    Game Plan 18:10
    (USA, 2007, com) (12)
    20:00 Angus and the perfect kiss
    (USA, 2008, com) (12)
    21:40 My Father, Romulus
    (Aus., 2007, bit. Bio.) (15)
    23:25 Hard to kill
    (USA, 1988, action) (12)
    01:35 Hard to kill 2
    (USA, 1990, action) (AP)
    03:35 Crimes of Oxford
    (spa.-engl.-fra., 2008, polit.) (15)
    05:20 On the sets

    National Geographic
    06:00 I did not know that
    (F. s. doc., episode 6)
    06:30 Moments of nightmare
    (s. doc.) - Guadalajara
    07:00 Bible Enigmas
    (F. s. doc.) - Green Revelation
    Great White 08:00
    (f. doc.)
    09:00 Lost among strangers
    (s. doc.) - charlatan in Quito
    10:00 Logbook
    (F. s. doc.) - Magic and mayhem
    11:00 Golden Baboons
    12:00 Planet to Control
    (s. doc. nat.) - Colliding Continents
    13:00 I did not know that
    (F. s. doc., episode 6)
    13:30 Moments of nightmare
    (s. doc.) - Guadalajara
    14:00 Lost among strangers
    (s. doc.) - charlatan in Quito
    15:00 Logbook
    (F. s. doc.) - Magic and mayhem
    16:00 leopards killers
    17:00 Paral
    (f. doc.)
    18:00 natives
    (s. doc.) - The working class
    19:00 Engineers
    (s. doc.) - Millau Bridge
    20:00 I did not know that
    (F. s. doc., episode 7)
    20:30 Moments of nightmare
    (s. doc.) - Chernobyl
    21:00 Engineers
    (s. doc.) - Guggenheim Museum
    22:00 Top Repair
    (s. doc.) - The launch rocket
    23:00 Planet to Control
    (s. doc. nat.) - time travel
    00:00 Engineers
    (s. doc.) - Guggenheim Museum
    01:00 Top Repair
    s. doc.) - The launch rocket
    02:00 I did not know that
    (F. s. doc., episode 7)
    02:30 Moments of nightmare
    (s. doc.) - Chernobyl
    03:00 Engineers
    (s. doc.) - Guggenheim Museum
    04:00 Top Repair
    (s. doc.) - The launch rocket
    05:00 Engineers
    (s. doc.) - Millau Bridge

    07:45 Powerpuff Girls
    (USA, 1998, s. D. anim., episode 1)
    Foster's Home 08:15
    Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
    08:45 Emergency Hospital
    (USA, 1994, s, episode 2 / 22)
    Your friends 09:45
    (USA, 1994, s. com, episode 23)
    10:15 Teleshopping
    10:30 Powerpuff Girls
    (USA, 1998, s. D. anim., episode 2)
    Foster's Home 11:00
    Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
    Happy Hour 11:30
    (2007 Entertainment) (resume)
    12:45 Teleshopping
    13:00 Teo
    Talkshow with Teo Rose
    Your friends 14:15
    (USA, 1994, s. com, episode 24)
    Boo Boo 15:00
    Mistakes in the movie
    15:15 Emergency Hospital
    (USA, 1994, s, episode 3 / 22)
    16:15 Time utensils
    (2006, s. com, episode 2) (AP)
    16:45 La Bamba
    (USA, 1987, Dr. mus.) (AP)
    19:00 limitless range
    Veronica Mars (USA, 2004, episode 2)
    20:00 Aviators
    (USA, 2004, drama) (12)
    23:30 A male alien
    (USA, 2000, com SF) (15)
    01:30 In Cold Blood
    (USA, 2003, p. policeman, episode 10)
    02:30 Aviators
    (USA, 2004, drama) (12)
    World Pro Cinema 05:15
    05:45 Apropo TV

    Viasat History
    06:00 World War II in Color
    engl., 2009, s. doc., episode 3)
    07:00 Who do you think you really?
    (engl., 2004, s. doc., episode 14)
    08:00 treason and traitors
    (can., 2003, s. doc., episode 4)
    History Mysteries 09:00
    (engl., 2006, s. doc., episode 3)
    History Mysteries 09:30
    (engl., 2006, s. doc., episode 4)
    Flying aircraft carrier 10:00
    (Ger., 2009, f. doc., col., a-n)
    Warriors 11:00
    (s. doc., episode 2)
    12:00 Last year the East German
    (Ger., 2005, s. doc., episode 1)
    13:00 Empire large
    (engl., 2009, s. doc., episode 4)
    14:00 World War II in Color
    (engl., 2009, s. doc., episode 3)
    15:00 Who do you think you really?
    (engl., 2004, s. doc., episode 14)
    16:00 treason and traitors
    (can., 2003, s. doc., episode 4)
    17:00 Reinventatorii
    (engl., 2007, s. doc., episode 4)
    18:00 The great explorer of Africa
    (engl., 2008, f. doc.
    19:00 Escape of Louis XVI
    (fra., 2008, drama)
    Renaissance Secrets 20:30
    (engl., 1999, s. doc., episode 3)
    21:00 The story of agriculture
    (engl., 2009, s. doc., episode 4)
    22:00 World War II in Color
    (engl., 2009, s. doc., episode 4
    23:00 Jekyll and Hyde: The true story
    (engl., 2004, f. doc.)
    00:00 treason and traitors
    (can., 2003, s. doc., episode 5)
    01:00 Reinventatorii
    (engl., 2007, s. doc., episode 4)
    02:00 The great explorer of Africa
    (engl., 2008, f. doc.)
    03:00 Escape of Louis XVI
    (fra., 2008, drama)
    Renaissance Secrets 04:30
    (engl., 1999, s. doc., episode 3)
    05:00 The story of agriculture
    (engl., 2009, s. doc., episode 4)

    Zone Reality
    06:05 Great disasters of the twentieth century
    Episode 25
    07:00 Cacealmaua
    Episode 2
    07:55 Women physicians (AP)
    Episode 20
    08:50 Great disasters of the twentieth century
    Episode 26
    09:45 Hand of fate (AP)
    Episode 47
    10:40 Wife, mother and bounty hunter
    Episode 2
    11:05 indecent public health
    Episode 10
    11:35 Cacealmaua
    Episode 2
    12:30 Maternity (AP)
    Episode 8
    12:55 Women physicians (AP)
    13:50 Hand of fate (AP)
    14:45 Cacealmaua
    15:40 Maternity (AP)
    16:10 Wife, mother and bounty hunter
    16:35 indecent public health
    17:05 Great disasters of the twentieth century
    18:00 Women physicians (AP)
    19:00 Hand of fate (AP)
    20:00 Wife, mother and bounty hunter
    20:30 Detectives in white robes (AP)
    Episode 41
    21:00 cosmetic surgery (AP)
    Episode 72
    21:30 Women criminal
    Episode 24
    22:00 In search of justice
    with Erin Brockovich
    23:00 Justitiarele (AP)
    Episode 1
    23:30 Justitiarele (AP)
    Episode 2
    00:00 sample
    Episode 301
    00:30 sample
    Episode 303
    01:00 hazardous behavior
    Episode 7
    01:55 People who help people (AP)
    Episode 52
    02:45 In search of justice
    with Erin Brockovich
    03:35 Justitiarele (AP)
    Episode 1
    04:00 Justitiarele (AP)
    Episode 2
    04:25 sample
    Episode 301
    04:50 sample
    Episode 303
    05:15 Wife, mother and bounty hunter
    Episode 2
    05:40 indecent public health
    Episode 10
    Son düzenleme kemal1923; 16-03-2010, 21:06.
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